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Clinical Academic Group

Since its first inception in 1954, the St George’s Hospital Cardiology department has been at the forefront of providing pioneering specialist cardiology care to our patients

The Cardiology Clinical Academic Group at St George’s Hospital offers all aspects of treatments for heart conditions across South West London and Surrey. The Cardiology Clinical Academic Group at St George’s execute a shared strategic vision between St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and St George’s, University of London. This allows patients to receive high quality specialist multidisciplinary care based on the tripartite mission of:

  • Achieving high standards of clinical care
  • Leading clinical and laboratory research
  • Educating doctors and other health professionals

We run a specialised service for treatment of the full spectrum of cardiovascular diseases including coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, heart rhythm disorders, heart failure, sports cardiology and inherited cardiac diseases including diseases of the thoracic aorta.

Specialist Cardiology clinics are also run at Queen Mary’s Hospital and Nelson Hospital, where a comprehensive consultant led rapid access outpatient service for the diagnosis and effective treatment of all cardiac conditions is offered.


  • Weekly specialist electrophysiology clinics
  • One-stop heart failure clinics
  • Daily one-stop-shop rapid access chest pain clinics
  • Weekly Valve echocardiography clinics
  • Weekly specialist Nurse led Arrhythmia clinics
  • Weekly Nurse led cardioversion service
  • Weekly structural intervention/ transcatheter aortic valve clinics
  • Weekly Inherited cardiac disease and sports cardiology clinics
  • Weekly Aortopathy clinics
  • Joint Cardiology Sarcoidosis clinic
  • Joint Cardiology Thalassemia clinics
  • Joint Cardiology Renal clinics
  • Weekly Cardiac Resynchronisation clinics
  • Direct rapid access to high quality echocardiography
  • Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Direct access ambulatory BP monitoring
  • Direct access to electrocardiography
  • Direct access ambulatory ECG monitoring
  • Direct access cardiomemo ECG monitoring
  • Cardiac rehabilitation services

Consultant Staff of the Cardiology Clinical Academic Group

Electrophysiology Group

Prof Elijah Behr – Arrhythmias, Electrophysiology and Inherited Cardiac Conditions Professor

Intervention and Coronary Artery Disease Group

Heart Failure & Imaging Group

Inherited Cardiac Conditions Group

In addition there are 12 cardiologists who currently use St George’s as their tertiary base but are primarily based at other hospitals in SW London and Surrey/Sussex:

  • St Helier/Epsom -Dr Richard Bogle, Dr Abhay Bajpai, Dr Nikesh Malik
  • Frimley Park – Dr Sudhir Rathore, Dr Matt Faircloth, Dr Mark Norman
  • St Peter’s – Dr Riyaz Kaba
  • Royal Surrey County – Dr TP Chua, Dr Zia Zuberi
  • East Surrey – Dr Rashid Iqbal, Dr Maciej Marciniak
  • Kingston – Dr Simon Pearse


Cardiac Physiologists/Scientists

  • Alex Grimster – Principal Cardiac Physiologist (Heart Rhythm & Intervention)
  • Eliane Cunliffe – Principal Cardiac Physiologist (Echo & Community)

Contact details

St George’s Contacts for Clinicians

If you have a query for a consultant, please use the clinician list on this page to find their contact information. GPs may also use the Advice and Guidance Service on eRS.

If your request is very urgent, please contact the on call cardiology registrar directly via the St Georges switchboard. Please bear in mind that the on call registrar covers all cardiology emergencies in the hospital and sometimes may not be able to respond immediately.

St George’s Cardiology Department Contacts

Cardiology Outpatients: 020 8725 1852

Cardiac Investigations (Echo): 020 8725 1184

Cardiac Investigations (ECG): 020 8725 1385 / 1184

Cardiac Admissions: 020 8725 4406

Cardiac – General

Daycase admissions: 020 8725 4406

Inpatient admissions: 020 8725 4798

Cardiac Surgery: 020 8725 4959

Bed Manager bleep: 020 8725 1255 (bleep 6412)

Cardiac Nurse Practitioners: 020 68672 1255 (bleep 7138)

Heart Failure Nurse Specialists: 020 87254404

Matron: 0208 725 3543 (bleep 6285)

Cardiothoracic Critical Care Unit: 020 8725 1504

Cardiothoracic Bed Managers: 020 8725 2998 or 4407

International referrals / Private patients only

Tel: +44 (0)20 8725 3579

Fax: +44 (0)20 8725 3612

Queen Mary’s Hospital                      

Tel: 020 8487 6482

Fax: 020 8487 6490

Telephone advice: 020 8487 6008

Nelson Hospital

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