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The Atkinson Morley Neuromuscular Centre

The Atkinson Morley Neuromuscular Centre provides specialist multi-disciplinary care for adults living with Neuromuscular conditions in Southwest London, Surrey and Sussex. The Centre received a national centre of excellence award in 2024.

Neuromuscular disorders are diseases that can cause problems with:

  • the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord
  • the muscles
  • the communication between your nerves and muscles.

These conditions can cause a wide range of symptoms including loss or alteration of sensation, pain, muscle weakness and fatigue. Some people may also experience problems with their heart and breathing.

Our centre has specialist team members who provide care for and support people with neuromuscular conditions including:

  • Neurologists
  • Neurophysiologists
  • Neuropathologists
  • Neurorehabilitation specialists
  • Clinical geneticists
  • Neurophysiotherapist
  • Neuromuscular Care Advisor

We also work jointly with the respiratory and cardiac teams as well as other medical specialists who may be involved in your care.

You may be referred to the Atkinson Morley Neuromuscular Centre for a diagnosis, or you may be referred with an existing condition for specialist treatment and management.

As a regional specialist centre, the neuromuscular team works closely with other clinical teams from across St George’s and other hospitals in south west London and Surrey. We also work with GPs and community therapy teams to help patients manage their condition and symptoms outside of hospital.

If you have a neuromuscular condition and would like to be seen at the Atkinson Morley Neuromuscular Centre you can request that your GP refers you to us.


Specialist Clinics

We run a number of clinics including general nerve and muscle clinics where symptoms may first be assessed as well as disease specific clinics.