On this page:

The Clinical Genetics service covers a population of 4 million in South West London, Surrey and West Sussex.

Our multidisciplinary team of doctors, genetic counsellors, specialist nurses and clinical scientists provide support to children and adults affected by or at risk of genetic disorders.

Our services include:

  • Diagnosis of genetic disorders
  • Risk assessment and genetic counselling for patients with a family history of an inherited disorder or a family cancer syndrome
  • Predictive genetic testing including prenatal diagnosis for some genetic disorders

Clinic appointments

Urgent referrals

Prenatal: If a patient is pregnant and seeking genetic advice, please refer urgently via the normal route or via email to prenatal.genetics@stgeorges.nhs.uk

Cancer: If a patient with cancer needs genetic testing where the results would change management, please refer urgently via the normal route or via email:

For clinical secretaries:
For the appointments team: genetic.appts@stgeorges.nhs.uk

We accept NHS GP referrals, as well as referrals from other specialists, from across the Southwest Thames region. We hold regular clinics at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, London, as well as monthly clinics in the following hospitals:

  • Queen Mary’s Roehampton
  • Crawley Hospital
  • Epsom Hospital
  • Frimley Park Hospital
  • Jarvis Breast Screening Centre
  • Kingston Hospital
  • Royal Surrey County Hospital
  • St. Helier Hospital
  • St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey
  • St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester
  • Worthing Hospital

We also run the following specialised clinics:

  • Tuberous Sclerosis Specialist clinic
  • Lymphoedema clinic
  • Neurogenetics clinic
  • Huntington’s Disease clinic
  • Inherited Cardiac Disease clinic
  • Endocrine genetics cancer clinic – in association with endocrinologists at St George’s Hospital
  • Von Hippel Lindau screening clinic – in association with endocrinologists and ophthalmologists at St George’s Hospital
  • Cancer genetics carrier clinics – for individuals who carry a high risk gene mutation at St George’s Hospital and Royal Surrey County Hospital (BRCA carrier clinic)
  • Paediatric cancer clinic – at the Royal Marsden Hospital
