Dr Nayana Lahiri
Nayana Lahiri is a Consultant Clinical Geneticist based at SW Thames Centre for Genomics at St. George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
She currently has outpatient clinics at St. George’s Hospital, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton, Kingston Hospital and Worthing Hospital
Genomics – South West Thames Centre for Genomics
Professional profile
Nayana Lahiri completed her medical training at St. George's Hospital Medical School qualifying in 2001.
She undertook her MD thesis in Huntington's Disease at the UCL Institute of Neurology & National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2013.
She trained in Clinical Genetics at St. George's Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital and now has general adult genetics, paediatric genetics and neurogenetics clinics within the SW Thames Centre for Genomics.
She has established the Regional Huntington's Disease Joint Research Clinic in order to follow up patients and families affected by Huntington's Disease and to provide opportunities to participate in research and clinical trials. https://www.euro-hd.net/html/network/locations/uk/london-georges
She is currently Training Programme Director for the pan-thames Clinical Genetics Training Programme