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The South West Thames Centre for Genomics is based at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides a specialist service to people living in South West London, Surrey, and West Sussex.

The Clinical Genetics service comprises a team of clinical staff, including consultant geneticists, genetic counsellors, and specialist registrars.

In addition, our St George’s Genomics Service is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory, No. 8127 and provides a comprehensive diagnostic analytical and reporting service for a range of genetic disorders.

The service offers specialist genetic advice, diagnosis, and counselling to families and individuals who have or might be at risk of developing inherited disorders, including cancer. This includes giving advice regarding the availability of carrier screening and prenatal testing techniques.

  • The Department provides care for patients at the site most convenient for them; 60 per cent of patients are seen at a clinic local to their home. Clinic appointments are held at St George’s Hospital and at 17 other hospitals within the region.
  • The department also provides a number of highly specialised, disease specific clinics, including two nationally recognised services: Tuberous Sclerosis clinic and the Primary Lymphoedema. Further regional specialist clinics include those for patients with endocrine and growth disorders, paediatric conditions, and neurodegenerative disease.
  • The department is a lead training centre for specialist registrars, genetic counsellors, and clinical scientists. It also provides advice and training for GPs and other health professionals about inherited disorders.
  •  Map of SW Thames Clinical Genetics Referral Region

Consultant Geneticists:

  • Dr Frances Elmslie – Clinical lead
  • Prof Kate Tatton-Brown
  • Dr Suzanne Alsters
  • Dr Tessa Homfray
  • Dr Matina Prapa
  • Prof Sahar Mansour
  • Dr Esther Dempsey
  • Dr Meriel McEntagart
  • Dr Nayana Lahiri
  • Dr Katie Snape
  • Dr Heidre Bezuidenhout
  • Dr Avgi Andreou

Genetic Counsellors:

    • Kelly Kohut – Lead Genetic Counsellor
    • Cathryn Moss
    • Andrea Forman
    • Elizabeth Winchester
    • Beth Coad
    • Alice Youngs
    • Heidy Brandon
    • Harriet McMillan
    • Ginny Attard
    • Lily Barnett
    • Gaya Connolly
    • Venessa Miller
    • Alekhya Ashokan
    • Emma Charlton
    • Laura Coulier
    • Sarah Cable
    • Beth Gilman
    • Andrew Pestaille
    • Ellen Colvin

COVID Information for Patients

Many patients and families with rare disease and genetic disorders will understandably be confused and anxious  about their level of risk from Covid19 and what precautions they should take.

In response to this, the British Society for Genetic Medicine and the Clinical Genetics Society have created a risk grid designed to help clinicians and families assess a patients’ risk. The grid is an amalgamation of covid19 risk advice from relevant specialties as well as BSGM covid-19 statement.  We hope that you will find this will help you stay safe during these uncertain times.

COVID Risk Assessment Tool

General advice regarding Coronavirus v.1.4 24.3.20