Dr Tessa Homfray
Clinical interests
Dr Homfray is a consultant in medical genetics, including dysmorphology. Her specialist interest is primarily in prenatal diagnosis. She runs weekly clinics at St George's fetal medicine unit as well as the Harris Birthright unit at King's College London.
Her other specialist interest is in inherited cardiac conditions. For this she runs twice monthly clinics at St George's and The Brompton Hospitals.
Professional profile
Dr Homfray graduated with an MBBS in 1983 and went on to gain a DCH in 1988. In 1991 she was awarded a Diploma in Genetics from Great Ormond Street Hospital, and became a registrar in medical genetics in the same year.
She has a heavy clinical workload resulting in extensive clinical experience and requests to work at other trusts. Dr Homfray became a consultant in medical genetics at St George's in 1998, at King's College Hospital in 2004 and at Brompton Hospital in 2010.
She lectures frequently to fetal medicine conferences internationally, to cardiac conferences nationally and locally to specialists and GPs.
- Member: Royal College of Physicians (1986)
- Member: Royal College of General Practitioners (1988)
- Fellow: Royal College of Physicians (1996)
- Member: Progress Educational Trust
- Member: Genetic Alliance