Specialist NHS services


  1. Assistive Technology and Environmental Controls
  2. Wheelchairs
  3. Gait Lab and FES
  4. Spasticity management clinic
  5. Orthotics
  6. Podiatry
  7. Hands
  8. Dietetics and Enteral feeding
  9. Speech and Language Therapy – Communication, Swallow, Videofluoroscopy
  10. Dentistry at home
  11. Drugs and Alcohol
  12. End of life care

1. Assistive technology

Assistive Technology and Environmental Controls

Assistive Technology Service

Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN

Tel: 020 8487 6084

Clare Oakley, Service Lead for Assistive Technology, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Email: clare.oakley@stgeorges.nhs.uk   clare.oakley1@nhs.net

Faultline/ Service Call numbers for Assistive Technology Systems:

Possum: 01296 461000

RSL Steeper: 0113 2070449

Abilia: Toby Churchill: 01954 281222 & 01954 281236

PcByVoice: 01342 823842

Referral form


Wheelchair service

Queen Mary’s hospital, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN

Tel: 020 8487 6084 / 6085

For wheelchair repairs contact AJM Healthcare on 020 8641 6173.

Referral form for therapists to use

Referral form for GPs to complete

Gait lab and FES

Gait Laboratory

Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton Lane, London, SW15 5PN

Tel: 020 8487 6101 / Email: gaitlab@stgeorges.nhs.uk

Spasticity management clinic:

Assessment for Botulinum toxin injections and intrathecal baclofen pumps; medication advice and close liaison with orthotics and gait lab/FES service.

Vitali Clinic, Lower ground floor, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton SW15 5PN Tel: 020 8487 6030

Specialist spasticity management service referral form Dec 2018


Tel: 020 8487 6055 / 020 8487 6056 / 020 8487 6033

Email: stgh-tr.orthoticsqmh@nhs.net

Referral form 


Healthshare Wandsworth Podiatry

A podiatrist (also known as a chiropodist) is a health professional who deals with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limbs. This clinic provides support for:

  • Biomechanical Care
  • Domiciliary Care
  • Nail Surgery
  • Routine Care

Podiatry – Healthshare Wandsworth referral

Diabetic foot clinic 

Tel: 0208 725 1429

A specialist service providing advanced care for active diabetic foot problems such as:

  • Diabetic Foot ulcers
  • Suspected Diabetic Fractures
  • Active foot problems requiring multidiciplenary input
  • Suspected foot infection
  • Critical Ischemia


Splints: Wandsworth Community Neuro Team run a hand splint clinic twice per month. Hand splints can help to stretch the muscles and manage loss of range of movement or support joints to help maximise the movement and use of your hand.


Referral form

Community Dietetics Service

St John’s Therapy Centre, 162 St John’s Hill, London, SW11 1SW

Tel: 020 8812 4155

Email: CSW.dietitians@stgeorges.nhs.uk

Enteral Feeding

Decision to tube feed leaflet

Speech and Language Therapy – Wandsworth Community Neuro Team

Contact No. 020 8812 4060 Email: stgh-tr.wandworthcnt@nhs.net

Please refer for:

Accessibility in for VFSS

VF Info Leaflet

VF Information for Health Professionals

VF Referral Form

Consent form for VR

Dentistry at home:

Special Care Dental Service

Dental care is provided in community settings for adults and children with complex needs who have difficulty getting treatment in their high street dental practice for reasons other than cost.

​Enquiries: Tel 020 8544 2346

Drugs and Alcohol

Integrated Drug and Alcohol Services:

Wandsworth IDAS leaflet

Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service – Battersea

  • Telephone: 020 7498 6149

Integrated Drug and Alcohol Service – St John’s

  • St John’s Therapy Centre, 162 St John’s Hill, London, SW11 1SW
  • Telephone: 020 8812 4120

Wandsworth IDAS leaflet

Talk To Frank

  • Tel: 0300 123 6600 (phone) / 82111 (text message)
  • FRANK is an independent government-funded service that offers information and advice about drugs.

Aurora Project – Wandsworth

The Aurora Project is a registered charity that works to support people that have had experience of substance use.

Tel: 020 8704 0172 – support@auroraprojectwandsworth.org.uk

229 Garratt Lane, Wandsworth, London, SW18 4DU

Narcotics Anonymous

  • UK Service Office, 202 City Road, London, EC1V 2PH
  • Tel: 0300 999 1212 (10.00am – midnight)   020 7251 4007 (London office)
  • This organisation offers nationwide self-help groups for anyone wanting to stop using drugs.

End of Life Care

Death and dying are inevitable. All of us will die therefore end of life care affects us all, at all ages, the living, the dying and the bereaved. For the purpose of this resource, ‘end of life care’ refers to those with an advanced, progressive, incurable illness. It enables the needs of both patient and family to be identified and met throughout the last phase of life. End of life care supports decision making and helps with more complex symptom management.

For information about End of Life Care in Wandsworth and to discuss an individual case, make contact with your GP and local community nursing team via Single Point of Access – Central London Community Healthcare Nurses 

Tel: 0333 300 2350 (Mon – Fri 8am to 8pm, weekends/ Bank Holidays 8am to 5pm)
Email: clcht.wandsworthspa@nhs.net Post: PO Box 130, Morden, SM4 9EF
Single Point of Access Referral Form

Coordinate my Care (CMC) 
Patients & Carers: Coordinate My Care is a clinical service sharing information between your healthcare providers which should help to coordinate your care and record your wishes of how you would like to be cared for.

Healthcare Professionals: As a shared clinical service Coordinate My Care allows healthcare professionals to record patient’s wishes and ensures their personalised care plan is available to all those who care for them.

Gold Standard Framework 
The GSF is about giving the right care in the right place at the right time for people who are nearing the end of their lives. This is used by Wandsworth GPs and nursing.

Trinity Hospice
Trinity Hospice, 30 Clapham Common North Side, London, SW4 0RN Tel: 020 7787 1000
Trinity Hospice offers inpatient, outpatient services as well as groups, activities, exercise classes, complimentary therapies and support.

Email: rth.referrals@nhs.net

Care at home
Leaflets for patients and carers 

Wandsworth Care Coordination Service:
The Wandsworth Care Coordination Centre – one point of contact for all your patients needs at the end of life.

MS Trust – End Stage MS
For carer support please contact the Wandsworth Carers Centre

For guidance re Power of Attorney and Advanced directives:
MS Society – Planning end of life care