Managing symptoms
- Bone health
- Disease modifying treatments
- Eyes / Vision / Sight
- Fatigue
- Mood
- Cognition
- Pain
- Respiratory
- Speech including AAC
- Swallow including videofluoroscopy and enteral feeding
- Urology and Bowel management
- Vestibular
1. Bone health
Integrated falls and bone health service
2. Disease modifying treatments
Referral to DMT clinic is via a St George’s Hospital Neurologist only – contact the St George’s Hospital MS nurses for more detail
MS Society Disease Modifying Drugs Booklet
MS Trust Disease modifying drug page
3. Eyes / Vision / Sight
For formalised assessment of impairment, refer to optician, neurologist or ophthalmologist.
Visual Impairment Team
For support with management of visual impairment in everyday life, consider referral to the Vision Impairment Team
Referrals can be made to the Visual Impairment Team via the council access team.
Tel: 0208 8717707 email:
Richmond Access Team Tel: 020 8891 7971
MS Society – Visual Impairment
See section: Wandsworth services, support and other organisations for advice and assistance available from other organisations for people with visual impairment
4. Fatigue:
For those suffering from fatigue, several sessions with an Occupational Therapist to discuss education and management or fatigue management group is often very helpful.
For 1:1 advice about fatigue management, please refer to Wandsworth Community Neuro Team OT Service – 0208 812 4060
Fatigue management poster
5. Mood:
Talk Wandsworth
South West London and St Georges NHS Mental Health Trust
Talk Wandsworth service is part of a national initiative to help people with common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, gain timely access to effective psychological therapies.
Multiple Sclerosis Society – Emotional Support
6. Cognition:
1:1 input: Within the Wandsworth Community Neuro Team, neuro-psychology assessment is available for formalised assessment. Occupational Therapy is available to support with how this can be managed in everyday life. Please contact the team to discuss referrals 020 8812 4060
Group therapy: Wolfson Cognitive Assessment Program (WCAP)
Contact details (for all programmes): Vocational Rehabilitation Team, Wolfson Neurorehabilitation Centre: 020 8487 6358
MS Society – Cognitive problems in MS
MS Trust – Memory and thinking
7. Pain clinic:
Click here for more information on the Chronic pain service
8. Respiratory:
Community Respiratory nurses
Wandsworth Adult Hub Contact details: Tel: 0333 300 2350 (lines are manned Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 8am to 5pm)
Post: P O Box 130, Morden, SM4 9EF
Patient Telephone Line: 0330 300 0950
Wandsworth Community Respiratory Physiotherapist
Tel: 020 8725 3016
Neuro-Physiotherapy, Wandsworth Community Neuro Team
9. Speech change and Communication aids
Assistive and Augmentative Technology Assessment (AAC) Hub
Tel: 02087804500
10. Swallow change and Videofluoroscopy (VF)
Refer to Speech and Language Therapy for swallow assessment
VF clinic
Information for Health Professionals (Videofluoroscopy Clinic at Queen Mary’s Hospital leaflet)
Speech and Language Videoflouroscopy referral form
Enteral Feeding
11. Urology
Click here to visit the St George’s Hospital Urology service page
Continence nurse There is a single point of access for referrals to all of our Wandsworth services: Phone: 0333 300 2350 Email:
Discuss with MS nurse specialist
Wandsworth Community Neuro Team clinical nurse specialist in neurology
Women and men’s health physiotherapy
MS Trust managing your bladder
People with multiple sclerosis with bowel dysfunction: The patient should be referred to the MS clinical nurse specialist for assessment of constipation and faecal incontinence. Assessment will be completed and referral will be made to other services as appropriate such as community nursing, dietician, and hospital bowel clinics.
12. Vestibular, balance and dizziness clinic:
Click here to visit the Vestibular, balance and dizziness clinic service page