Less than full time training
Training less than full time at St George’s Hospital
In line with HEE’s plan to increase flexibility in postgraduate medical training, and the trust’s vision to support flexible working, St George’s is committed to ensuring that trainee’s wishing to train flexibly are supported to do so.
The less than full time (LTFT) training champion at St George’s Hospital is Dr Rosy Wells (rosy.wells@stgeorges.nhs.uk). The champion is available to advise and assist any trainee within that trust, regardless of grade and specialty, on any concerns he/she has about the LTFT process and the LTFT experience.
We are in the process of setting up a peer network of support for LTFT trainees at St George’s. Please contact Rosy (rosy.wells@stgeorges.nhs.uk) if you are keen to join this.
Applying for less than full time training
Trainees may apply for less than full time training (LTFT) under the following categories:
Category 1 (Responsibility for caring for children / Health related reasons / Direct carer for ill/disabled partner, relative or dependent)
Category 2 (Unique opportunity for Professional development / Short term extraordinary responsibility. Religious commitment / Other)
Category 3 (Trainees who choose to train LTFT as a personal choice)
LTFT Cat 3 Expansion:
As part of the HEE medical education reform programme (MERP) to support the wellbeing of our trainees by offering greater flexibility, all trainees in existing training programmes at time of application would be able to apply for the lead in year of Category 3 LTFT for the training year beginning August 2021. The revised offer is to help address trainee burnout, fatigue and to support our trainees so they are able to take time to recover from the pandemic and help them to restore work life balance.
This would not include trainees in the Foundation programme. The Foundation Programme trainees not eligible to apply would be able to enter the lead in year in August 2022.
Trainee’s wishing to apply for LTFT need to give 12 week’s notice (that means the application has to be approved 12 weeks before the start date).
More information about training LTFT is available:
The following videos explain the process for application, pay and rota patterns: