Guardian of Safe Working
The Guardian of Safe Working ensures that junior doctors (both those in training and locally employed doctors) at St George’s Hospital are working within the safeguards outlined in the 2016 TCS for doctors and dentists in training. The guardian will ensure that issues of compliance with safe working hours are addressed, as they arise, with the doctor and /or employer, as appropriate; and will provide assurance to the trust board or equivalent body that doctors’ working hours are safe.
The current Guardian of Safe Working Hours is Prof Kirsty Le Doare, Professor of Vaccinology and Immunology at St George’s, University of London as well as an Honorary Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology Consultant within the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Research Group. She can be contacted via the Guardian e mail:
Exception reporting
Are you staying late?
Have you been missing your breaks?
Are you unable to take teaching opportunities?
You can change things for the better by exception reporting. Record any work that varies from your agreed rota, and you could get time off in lieu or pay and possibly bring about lasting improvements, to the benefit of yourself and your colleagues, through rota change and other enhancements.
Exception reporting is a contractual mechanism which junior doctors can use to report patient safety, rostering and training concerns.
All junior doctors (trainees and locally employed doctors) should receive their log in details for exception reporting at induction.
***You can also e-mail to get your log in set for the St George’s exception reporting system.***
A guide to exception reporting for doctors in training working at St Georges (including The Priory) and in GP practices across South London is below:
Videos on how to exception report can be found here:
- How to exception report at St George’s Hospital_video
- Exception reporting using the Allocate eRota app – YouTube
A guide for supervisors in these settings is also available below:
Previous Guardian of Safe Working reports can be accessed here
General information relating to 2016 Terms and Conditions, Work Schedules and Exception reporting can be found on the NHS Employers website here