Our healthcare services
We provide a variety of clinics and services for our patients. Many of them are nurse led.
Primary care services
- 24 hour / 7 day a week emergency nurse response
- GP clinics
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner clinics (nurse prescriber)
- Nurse triage clinics
- Dressing clinics
- Health promotion
- Vaccination clinics
- Long term condition clinics
- Medication administration
- Blood Borne Virus opt out testing (from 01 April 2017)
- 6 bed step down medical unit
- TB screening x-rays
- First Night in Custody Reception Screening
- Secondary Screening
Substance Misuse Services
- Integrated drug treatment programme with 5 day, 28 day and 13 week reviews
- Consultant clinics for complex cases
- Detoxing and maintenance
- A team of specialist substance misuse nurses who based on the substance recovery wing
Mental Health Services
- 12x bedded mental health inpatient unit
- Primary care mental health team who work with prisoners who have primary care mental ehalth issues such as anxiety / depression / adjustment disorders etc.
- Mental health in-reach team who work with prisoners with severe and enduring mental illness
- Veterans worker
- Learning disability nurse
Other healthcare clinics provided on-site at HMPW
- Optician (private provider)
- Dentist (private provider)
- Podiatry (St George’s Trust services)
- Sexual Health Services (St George’s Trust services)
As a consortium we are committed to increasing the range of services and specialities provided on site at HMPW.