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The General Paediatric Medicine service is a comprehensive consultant delivered service managing a range of common childhood conditions. There are 11 consultants who participate in a consultant of the week rota for inpatient and ambulatory care and provide a range of outpatient services.

What we offer

  • The General Paediatricians aim to provide excellent, child centred care to children and families with a range of common medical problems.
  • They support other specialist teams in providing holistic care for children with complex medical problems.
  • There is strong multidisciplinary support from dieticians, Clinical Nurse Specialists, psychologists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, play specialists and pharmacists.
  • The Consultants hold general paediatric clinics every week where new referrals and follow-ups are seen.
  • In addition, there are daily hot clinics where children who need more urgent assessment can be seen by a paediatric consultant, following discussion and agreement, and Together clinics held in partnership with GPs in primary care settings.
  • All the General Paediatricians have subspecialty interests and offer outpatient clinic reflecting these.
  • The Blue Sky Centre Children’s Ambulatory Unit offers specialist paediatric medical input to children who do not require an overnight stay in hospital.  Referrals are accepted directly from primary care, from the emergency department and the inpatient wards.  The Centre also runs a nurse led service for common newborn problems, especially prolonged jaundice and feeding difficulties.
  • The general paediatricians also play a significant role in the education and training of practitioners from all backgrounds, including junior doctors, medical students, physician associate students, nurses and allied health professionals.
  • There is a consultant paediatrician on site until 22:00 every evening.
  • Advice is offered to GPs directly by telephone via Switch from 08.30 to 21.00 7 days a week, or via a Kinesis Group account answered 7 days a week.