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The Department has three paediatric neurosurgeons, Samantha Hettige, Simon Stapleton and Navneet Singh. They manage a large variety of emergency and elective paediatric neurosurgical problems e.g. brain tumours, hydrocephalus, spinal bifida etc.

There are dedicated neonatal and paediatric intensive care units on site and a paediatric neurosurgery ward.

Mortality data

Consultant outcome publication (COP) is an NHS England initiative to increase transparency within the NHS and to provide the public with information on surgical outcomes. The Neurosurgical National Audit Programme (NNAP) has been mandated by NHS England to publish activity and mortality data for all neurosurgery units and consultant neurosurgeons practising in England.

The newly published mortality data shows that the St George’s Hospital neurosurgery unit has a lower than expected mortality rate.  You can read the NNAP report on St George’s and compare our performance with other neurosurgery units on the Neurosurgical National Audit Programme website.

Consultant Outcome Publication 2014

Read the mortality data and outcome report for each of our consultant neurosurgeons:

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