Press releases

St George’s response to today’s HSJ article on PwC report

In response to the article published by the HSJ today in to the independent report by PwC ‘Forensic review and assessment at a Glance and Recommendations’, St George’s response is as follows: The period covered in the report is now more than a year ago. A great deal has changed …
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4 Feb 2016

New series of 24 Hours in A&E starts Tuesday 20th October on Channel 4

The RTS award-winning documentary series returns for a tenth series following patients treated in the same 24 hour period at St George’s. The hospital has one of the most advanced and busiest A&E departments in the world. It’s somewhere that stories of life, love and loss unfold every day.
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16 Oct 2015 | Tags: 24 Hours A&E Channel 4 new series nhs St George's Tv show

St George’s signs a clinical services contract with Gibraltar Health Authority

Dr John Cortes, Minister for Health, Environment, Energy and Climate Change today welcomed Miles Scott, Chief Executive of St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation to St Bernard’s Hospital, Gibraltar. The purpose of the visit was to sign a new clinical services contract between the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) and St …
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5 Jun 2015 | Tags: clinical services contract GHA Gibraltar Health Authority pioneer Research st georges university teaching hospital

St George’s is the leading trust for organ donation in the UK

Ian Trenholm, chief executive for NHS Blood and Transplant paid St George’s a visit last month. He was here to meet our organ donation team and congratulate them on another successful year.
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13 May 2015 | Tags: donors NSH Blood and Transplant organ donation transplant tree of life trust visit

St George’s and Mitie are helping young people into work

St George’s and Mitie, our facilities management company, are working together to help young people with learning difficulties gain vital employment skills. Mitie’s healthcare cleaning team has been supporting three young people through Project SEARCH, an international training programme aimed at guiding young people who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities …
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12 May 2015 | Tags: disability employment learning disabilities Mitie Project SEARCH training

St George’s working with Monitor to address our deficit

NHS finances have been extensively documented in the media. St George’s, like many other trusts, has encountered a deficit. In April we reported a £16m deficit for 2014/15 (on a turnover of £740m) having planned a small surplus. As a major trauma centre, we have been particularly affected by the …
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11 May 2015 | Tags: finance Monitor NHS pressures reduce deficit

St George’s opens a new cancer ward

The Gordon-Smith Ward was officially opened by Dr Anne Rainsberry, NHS England’s Regional Director for London, and is the second step of investment in the trust’s cancer services.
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11 May 2015 | Tags: Anne Rainsberry cancer Gordon Smith haematology new ward oncology

Redthread Youth Violence Intervention at St George’s

Hundreds of teenagers fall victim to gang-related violence every year with some becoming trapped in a cycle of violence. Two Redthread specialist youth workers will now be based in St George’s ED to help break this cycle.
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22 Apr 2015 | Tags: Emergency Department gang violence Kings Hospital mayor initiative Redthread specialist youth workers

St George’s to become the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for non-invasive prenatal screening

Leading London NHS trust teams up with Premaitha Health to create the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for non-invasive prenatal screening.
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23 Mar 2015

St George’s becomes an NHS Foundation Trust

Health regulator Monitor has authorised St George’s to be a Foundation Trust.
To reflect this achievement, the trust’s formal title will change to St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
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2 Feb 2015

South London NHS Genomics Medicine Centre announced

The South London based Genomics Network Alliance has been announced as a successful bidder in the race to become a pioneering Genomic Medicine Centre, part of the ground-breaking 100,000 Genomes Project.
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22 Dec 2014

Statement from St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust on our foundation trust application

The trust has welcomed feedback about its application to become a foundation trust from Monitor – the health sector regulator. St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust is regarded as “well-led” by Monitor and also had an overall rating of ‘good’ from the Care Quality Commission following a rigorous inspection in 2014. …
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17 Dec 2014

Statement from St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

A spokesperson from St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust said: “An unwell patient who had recently travelled to West Africa was admitted to St George’s Hospital yesterday.
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3 Nov 2014

Quality Account showcases continuing improvements for St George’s patients

The St George’s Quality Account 2013/14 is now available on the trust’s website and on the NHS Choices website Every NHS trust in the country publishes a Quality Account each year. Quality Accounts assess how well a trust is performing against national targets set by the Department of …
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10 Jul 2014

Regional Trauma Networks are increasing patient survival rates

New figures show that patients in England have a 30 per cent improved chance of surviving severe injuries since the introduction of Regional Trauma Networks
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2 Jul 2014

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust publishes ward staffing data

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has published its staffing fill rates and safety data on the NHS Choices website this week*. This is in accordance with a 2013 report produced by Jane Cummings, the Chief Nursing Officer for England, the National Quality Board and the Trust Development Authority. Maintaining the …
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25 Jun 2014

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust statement on Merton CCG

A spokesperson for St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the largest provider of hospital services to Merton residents. We have every confidence in Dr Howard Freeman and his team at Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).”

7 Jun 2014

Kidney donor day delights

St George’s hosted a small celebration for kidney donors and recipients from the last year. Donors and the Renal team were joined by BBC London news, who did a wonderful piece on the team which appeared on both lunchtime and evening news.
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24 Feb 2014 | Tags: kidney donor renal

St George’s midwife’s FGM campaign support

Denise Henry, a specialist perineal midwife at St George’s Hospital, is campaigning for more support for women affected by female genital mutilation (FGM).
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5 Feb 2014 | Tags: midwifery

Pioneering heart valve operation avoids open heart surgery

A pioneering new heart valve that can be placed inside a patient without the need for open heart surgery has been used for the first time in the UK by a team of cardiologists and heart surgeons at St George’s Hospital, London.
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18 Dec 2013