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Welcome to the St Georges Therapies courses webpage

We have been delivering high quality education to clinicians of all levels for many years and aim to give an excellent, cost effective and well presented learning experience in a stimulating environment.

Our courses span a wide range of disciplines from Neurology to Speech and Language, Hands, Vestibular rehab and more.


Our Neurology courses cover a wide range of areas including Bobath courses neuro ICU and upper limb rehab as well as multidisciplinary courses.

Balance & Motor Control Course 2018

This course is suitable for all physios combining balance, falls, vestibular, neuroscience, motor control and coaching theories.

Saturday April 28th and Sunday April 29th 2018
Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton

£275 (includes handouts, lunches + morning/afternoon tea).
Register at the TryBooking site https://www.trybooking.co.uk/DMA

Splinting in Neurology

Introductory Course: Soft Cast and Scotch Cast

15th and 16th June 2023
St John’s Therapy Centre, SW11 1SW

£335 – 2 days / £195 – 1 day
(Discount for block bookings)
Limited places – priority booking if attending both days.

Splinting in Neurology Courses 2023

Please see links below for further information
For enquiries please email Elizabeth.Williamson@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Applications to Therapies.Courses@stgeorges.nhs.uk


We have regular hand therapy courses many of which offer accreditied BAHT points.

Vestibular Therapy

We have a dedicated vestibular therapy rehabilitation at St Georges and the courses are designed to reflect the assessment and treatment of this interesting and challenging group of patients.


This course is designed to help Physiotherapists assess and diagnose primary headaches and differentiate these from cervicogenic headache. The course also has a large practical component where manual assessment skills are taught for cervicogenic headache. Please click here for current headache courses.