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Our team of Epilepsy specialists provide a comprehensive service covering all aspects of epilepsy care including diagnostic and treatment facilities, including Vagal Nerve Stimulation and an epilepsy surgery program. Our multidisciplinary team includes epilepsy nurse specialists, neurophysiologists, neuropsychiatrists, neuropsychologists, and neurosurgeons, working together to provide outstanding care for the adult epilepsy population within south west London.
Epilepsy is a common condition affecting roughly 1 in 103 people in the UK. It is diagnosed when a person has recurrent, unprovoked seizures. A seizure is the sudden disruption of brain activity. There are many different types of seizures, and many different types of epilepsy. One person may also have different types of seizures.
In some people it is clear why a seizure may have occurred, for example they may have had a stroke or a traumatic brain injury in the past. For many the reason is less clear and this can cause much frustration and concern. We have developed our services so that investigations take place in a timely manner, and so that we can respond to our patients’ needs appropriately.
While medication cannot cure epilepsy, it is often used to control seizures. These medicines are known as anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). In around 70% of cases, seizures are successfully controlled by AEDS. It can take some time to find the right type and correct dose of AED before your seizures can be controlled. In some cases, surgery may be used to remove the area of the brain affected or to install an electrical device that can help control seizures.
While epilepsy is different for everyone, there are some general rules that can help making living with the condition easier. It is important to stay healthy through regular exercise, a balanced diet and avoiding excessive drinking. Advice is available from your GP or support groups to help you adjust to life with epilepsy.
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), is a rare complication of epilepsy. Every year between 500 and 1,000 people die as a result of SUDEP, this is less than 1% of people with epilepsy. Although the cause of SUDEP is unknown, a clear understanding of your epilepsy and taking your medication regularly can reduce the risk. For more information about SUDEP, visit SUDEP Action.
Contact details
For patients under the care of the epilepsy team, email adult.epilepsynurse@stgeorges.nhs.uk
For Clinicians
To make non urgent referrals, or If you have any queries about non-urgent referrals or appointments, please visit the Neurosciences Booking Service page.
Urgent referrals for the First Fit Clinic
For urgent referrals from Primary Care for First Fit clinic, please use NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) (Neurology Referral Assessment Service [RAS]). A First fit form can be found attached to the electronic referral.
Please make sure that the patient details, clinical history and contact information are correct and that the forms are as complete as possible. As you will appreciate it is important that we see the patient as quickly as possible.
Patients should be advised to bring someone who witnessed the suspected first fit or the contact details of that witness.
Please refer to our prescribing policy for Anti-Epileptic Drugs for Adults St George’s Adult Anti-Epileptic Drug Prescribing Policy.