Publication scheme
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, every public authority must specify what information they publish, how it is made available, and whether there is a charge. Our publication scheme outlines the information we provide to the public, organised into the categories below for easy access.
Who we are and what we do
- About us: Information about our Trust, the population we serve, and our sites.
- Our work as a Foundation Trust: Details on our status as a foundation trust and statutory documents.
- Trust Board Profiles of our management team and Board members.
- Council of Governors: Information about our Governors.
- Working with us: Careers, roles, and opportunities within the Trust.
- Education and research: Our efforts in medical education and research.
- Location and services: Our location, contact details, and the services we provide.
Services we offer
- Services: Overview of our clinical and non-clinical services, including those commissioned.
- GP and clinician area: Information about our work with primary care providers.
- Patient information leaflets: Access to leaflets, booklets, and newsletters for patients.
- Patient and visitor advice: Guidance for patients and their visitors.
What we spend and how we spend it
- Annual Report: Our annual reports, audited accounts, and quality reports.
- Trust Board papers: Details on our finances, budgets, capital program, and variance reports.
- Financial instructions: Standing financial instructions as required by FOI.
- Our spending: Monthly supplier payments list over 25k
- Estates costs: Published annually by NHS Digital through the Estates Returns Information Collection.
What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Publications: Our key publications.
- Our strategy: Our five-year strategy and supporting strategies.
- Trust Board papers: Information on our overall performance and operational targets.
- Quality and safety performance:
- Trust board papers
- Annual report (quality accounts and annual quality priorities)
- Our Strategy
- Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports
How we make decisions
- Trust board papers and council of governors meeting papers: Board agendas, supporting documents, and minutes.
- Board committees: Reports on quality and safety, workforce and education, and audit.
- Public consultations: Information on public consultations, such as those concerning service changes.
- Decision-making framework:
- Freedom of Information (standing orders and financial instructions)
- Our work as a Foundation Trust (Trust Constitution)
How we engage with our local communities
- Council of Governors: Information about our Council of Governors.
- Governor Elections: Details on our Governor Elections.
- Members: Membership and engagement activities and strategies.
- News & events: Corporate communications and media releases.
Registers, policies and procedures
- Policies and procedures: Available on request. Electronic copies are free; please complete the FOI Request Form for access.
- Declarations of interests: Board and staff declarations of interests, gifts, and hospitality.
- Additional registers: For other registers, please contact us via the FOI Request Form or write to us at 1st Floor, Grosvenor Wing, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Blackshaw Road, London, SW17 0QT.
Current interest areas
- Trust Board Papers (information and reports considered by Trust Board with updates in the Chief Executive’s report and the Integrated Quality and Performance Reports)
- Board Meeting Minutes (discussions and/or decision from Trust Board)
- General Patient Information (information accessing our services)
- Services (individual service information on Covid-19)
- Key Statistics (national statistics provided by the Government – NHS trusts only providing nationally available information)
- Weekly data on our patients (numbers of Covid patients in the Trust and those who have passed away)
- Employee Relations (included in the Trust Board’s monthly Integrated Quality Performance Report)
- Staff Stability Index (included in the Trust Board’s monthly Integrated Quality Performance Report