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How do I get referred?

We only accept referrals for dizziness from other healthcare professionals. For the vestibular service, we only accept referrals from the Audiovestibular Medicine Department. This is so your dizziness can be fully evaluated, and all the relevant tests can be carried out. If your referral is for Neurological Rehabilitation, then any medical or allied health professional can refer using the referral form (please see the “referrals” section.)

How is my referral processed?

Once we receive your referral it will be triaged by the lead Physiotherapist, and you will be offered an appointment.

What will happen at the initial appointment?

Most new patient appointments are face to face. However, for certain conditions we offer telephone or virtual appointments as an initial assessment. You can request to be seen face to face if you would prefer.

Your initial appointment will normally last about forty-five minutes. The Physiotherapist will go over the history of your symptoms to get a good understanding of the problems you are experiencing. You will also be asked about your past medical history and your medication. It is helpful to bring a list of your medication with you. They will then carry out a physical examination and talk to you about your goals and what you hope to achieve. They will explore the best treatment options and most people are given exercises to complete at home.

How often will I be seen?

We run an outpatient model, so patients are usually seen every two to four weeks, although this will depend on your condition. Some patients need to be seen less frequently and this will be dependent on your condition. Your Physiotherapist will advise you on how frequently you need to be reviewed.