Dermatology at St George’s Hospital
On this page:
The Dermatology unit at St George’s Hospital is a very active department, seeing over 40,000 patients a year and providing general and specialist dermatology care to patients in Wandsworth and the surrounding boroughs. We run clinics at St. George’s Hospital, the Nelson, Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton and at various GP practices in Wandsworth.
The department is led by 13 Consultant Dermatologists, as well as a team of 5 specialist registrars, associate specialists, clinical fellows, an overseas registrar and highly skilled specialist nurses.
Consultant Staff
Dr Victoria Akhras (Clinical Lead, Melanoma Lead) | 8 sessions |
Dr Kristiana Gordon (Lymphoedema Lead) | 9 sessions |
Professor Peter Mortimer | 2 sessions (and 3 SGUL sessions) |
Dr Alya Abdul-Wahab (Paediatric Dermatology Lead) | 8 sessions |
Dr Lucy Ostlere | 1.5 sessions |
Dr Allan Marsden | 2 sessions |
Dr Samantha Keegan (Teledermatology Lead) | 7 sessions |
Dr Venura Samarasinghe (Skin Cancer Lead) | 9 sessions |
Dr Ruth Lamb (Psoriasis and Biologics lead, Governance Lead) | 10 sessions |
Dr Imran Khan | 10 sessions |
Dr Charlotte Fleming | 10 sessions |
Dr Leila Ferguson | 7.5 sessions |
Associate Specialist
Dr Nazish Mansoor | 10 sessions |
Dermatology Clinical Fellow
Dr Bernard Ho
Nursing Team
Nursing Team Queen Mary’s Hospital
- Elizabeth Osuji
- Clare Tattersall
- Lesley Drakes
- Cristina Carillo Molina
- Nina Chua Deriu
Nursing Team St George’s Hospital
- Shirley Nunes Le-Blanc
- Angelina Myagkaya
- Sara Marcis
- Judith Carey
- Wendy Ferns
- Lesley Vavoulas
- Michelle Johnson
- Carolyn Goulborne
- Kim Turner
Service Managers (SGH)
Katherine Hill and Anetta Gobala Krishnan
Service Manager (QMH)
Katie Beers
Administrative support
Consultant secretaries SGH
Vicky Jackson
Ami Larner
Barbara Yeboah
Helen Christoforides
Telephone: 0208 7252500
Fax: 0208 7253297
Consultant secretaries QMH
Joy Williams
Rosemary Ernandez
Monika Paszko
Telephone:020 8487 6568
In-patient care
The Dermatology unit at St. George’s Hospital University NHS Trust does not accept inpatients solely under their care, but any patients admitted to the hospitals within this trust will have access to joint care and regular reviews within the service.
Out-patient care
The department is mainly outpatient led. It is a tertiary referral centre for skin cancer, psoriasis, vulval dermatoses, paediatric allergy, lymphoedema, connective tissue disease and hair and nail problems. A full list of specialist clinics undertaken in the Dermatology department at St George’s is as follows:
Consultant led services
- Daily emergency walk-in clinic, for referred patients.
- A weekly rapid referral skin cancer clinic for patients with suspected melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer – the Skin Cancer Screening Clinic (Dr A Marsden/ Dr V Samarasinghe/Dr Khan/ Dr Keegan/ Dr V Akhras).
- A fortnightly joint Plastic/Radiotherapy/Dermatology Clinic for patients with diagnosed non melanoma skin cancer (Prof B Powell, Miss J Odili, Dr V Akhras,
- Dr A Marsden, Dr Samarasinghe, Dr S Lalondrelle).
- The weekly Joint Melanoma Clinic for patients with an established diagnosis of malignant melanoma (Dr V Akhras, Prof B Powell, Prof A Dalgleish, Dr A Fusi, Miss J Odili).
- Weekly clinic for Transplant patients (Dr S Keegan)
- Weekly Paediatric skin clinic (Dr Abdul-Wahab)
- Weekly Adolescent clinic (Dr Abdul-Wahab)
- Combined Paediatric Allergy/ Dermatology clinic (Dr A Woods)
- Combined Rheumatology/Dermatology clinic (Dr V Akhras)
- Community clinics
- National Tertiary Lymphoedema Referral Clinics – (Professor P Mortimer/ Dr K Gordon).
- Photodynamic Therapy Clinic – (Dr L Ostlere).
- Diphencyprone clinic (monthly – Dr V Akhras/Dr I Khan)
- Weekly Contact Clinic for patients with contact dermatitis – (Dr L Ostlere/Dr I Khan).
- Special Interest Clinic (monthly – chaired by Professor P Mortimer)
- Weekly Severe Psoriasis / Biologics clinic (Dr R Lamb)
- Complex surgical list (Dr V Samarasinghe)
Nurse led services
- Weekly Acne clinics
- Minor operations
- Systemic drug monitoring clinic
- DCP/ wart clinic
- Adult and paediatric skin education
- Day unit procedures (Photodynamic therapy, TLO1 phototherapy, Iontophoresis,
- Patch testing)
- Botox for axillary hyperhidrosis
Dermatology Trust Pathways
- Guidelines for the Management of Acne (from 12 Years of Age)
- Treatment pathway for hyperhidrosis in primary care
- Guidelines for the Management of Adult Psoriasis in Primary Care
- Guidelines for the Management of Adult (Atopic) Eczema
- Guidelines for the Management of Paediatric Eczema
- Guidelines for the Management of Viral Warts
As an Academic Unit within university teaching hospital, we often have medical students within our clinics, so please bear this in mind when attending appointments.
Dermatology offices
Ground floor Lanesborough Wing by the entrance
Dermatology Adult Clinics
Ground floor Lanesborough outpatient department, clinic B
Dermatology Paediatric clinics
Ground floor Lanesborough outpatient department, Dragon centre
Melanoma clinic
Rose Centre at St George’s Hospital