On this page:

The St Georges Skull base Multidisciplinary Team provides services to patients throughout South and South West London and the Home Counties including Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire.

The MDT meets to discuss cases every Wednesday at 12pm sharp via Teams. If you would like an invite to this meeting, please request this via email from the MDT coordinator:


A copy of the referral form is available here: Skull base MDT referral form.

Please forward the completed referral form to


and NOT the email address on the excel form.

This must be completed in full and emailed to the address above by the day before the meeting.

Please ensure that ophthalmology and endocrine reports are sent for all referrals for discussion in the pituitary MDT

Outcomes are now emailed to the referrer within 24 hours.

It remains the responsibility of the referrer to act on this outcome and inform the patient, family and GP.