On this page:

Support for your mood

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Services, talking therapies or psychological therapies are effective and confidential treatments delivered by trained NHS practitioners. They commonly support with mental health problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies services with a referral from a GP, or a GP can refer you.

NHS talking therapies – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

If you or a loved one is having a mental health crisis you can call a local NHS mental health helpline for 24 hour advice and support. Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Expert advice to help improve your wellbeing, as well as practical tips on sleep, coping with money worries and self-care: Every Mind Matters – NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Mindfulness and relaxation resources

Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world. (www.franticworld.com)


Headspace: a free taster of mindfulness, with an opt-in to buy further sessions (www.headspace.com)


Free mindfulness: a collection of free to download meditations (www.freemindfulness.org)


Wellbeing Glasgow (http://wellbeing-glasgow.org.uk/audio-resources/)


Sleepio: a free app for anyone based in London helping people achieve better sleep (www.sleepio.com/goodthinking)


Meditation apps on IOS and Android: CALM, AURA, “Stop, Breathe and Think”


Pain management

The British Pain Society

The British Pain Society is the oldest and largest multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain with the UK. Chronic pain is suffered by over a third of the population. It is commonly distressing and commonly highly distressing.

The website has a guest and members area which has a huge number of resources for further reading aim to support with pain management

The British Pain Society | An alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients

When people self-manage their pain, their quality of life improves. Eventually it stops dominating their day and they begin to get more out of life. Managing your pain is not automatic – but it is something that can be learnt. My Live Well with Pain is a collection of resources that are designed to help you learn the skills you need to become an effective self-manager of your pain.

My Live Well With Pain | Living Well Despite Your Pain | Home