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Congratulations on your pregnancy!

At St George’s Hospital we are committed to placing research at the core of clinical care and aim to offer opportunities for research involvement to as many patients as possible. We have an active maternity research team who are involved in many studies, helping to develop better treatments, tests and care pathways in pregnancy. Every year hundreds of pregnant women volunteer to take part in research here at St George’s and play a vital role in helping us to improve clinical care and outcomes.

Involvement in research takes different forms from a one-off visit after a routine appointment to a schedule of visits throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period. We also hold discussion groups with parents to discuss our studies and help us shape our research.

Although we work as one team you may be approached about a range of studies throughout your pregnancy by different members of the research team. Participation in research is voluntary and we would like to reassure you that your care would not be affected if you decide not to take part.

If you would like to find out more about our current research studies please contact the Maternity Research Team on maternityresearch@stgeorges.nhs.uk.

Lastly, many of our studies are led by the Vaccine Institute based in St George’s University and focus on pregnancy and childhood vaccine trials. If you would like to sign up to the St. George’s Vaccine Institute Volunteers Registry please follow this link: https://cnpi-database.sgul.ac.uk/redcap/surveys/?s=LHXFA8L7MP.


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