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Carmen Midwifery Led Birth Centre  

0208 725 2039 / 0208 725 2041

As we are currently unable to offer in person Active Birth Workshops we are offering virtual tours and Q&A sessions instead. These are for families of around 34-36 weeks gestation. We will aim to show you our birthing rooms and answer any questions you may have.

To book:

Please get in contact via the email address – maternity.experience@stgeorges.nhs.uk

or call 0208 725 2039

Our Philosophy of Care

We believe that all women are unique. By understanding this, we can work in partnership with you to support your birth preferences and individualise your care to suit your needs during childbirth.


Carmen Birth Centre is a midwifery led unit within St George’s Hospital. It is run by a team of midwives and our aim is to facilitate normal birth experiences in a home from home environment. It is the perfect choice for women and their families who wish to birth naturally.

Carmen Birth Centre offers an alternative to a home birth whilst providing a safe and comfortable environment.

We offer a calm, private and relaxing environment in which to labour and give birth. We have four rooms, including 2 with pools and en suite bathrooms. You will receive one to one care from a midwife who will support you to achieve a positive birth experience.

We also have a variety of birthing aides that will help you to keep active, mobile and comfortable throughout your labour. These include Birthing Balls, Beanbags and a Multirac Partner Seat.


One to one care in labour is proven to help you cope better. For this reason you will receive continuous care from a midwife and we will also encourage you to choose a birth partner who will support your birth choices.

We will support you with alternative pain relief choices such as hypnotherapy, hydrotherapy and mobilising. However we do have pharmacological treatments such as Entonox (Gas and Air) and Pethidine.


If we have any concerns about you or your baby in labour, or you decide you want an Epidural, Carmen Birth Centre is located close to the main Delivery Suite where the Obstetric Team are based.

ENTONOX Statement

Entonox is the ‘laughing gas’ used in labour. It is breathed in by the labouring person and does not affect the baby. It has a very short-lasting effect with each breath. Some people only use this form of pain relief in labour.

This issue concerns risks associated with levels of nitrous oxide gas to which staff may be exposed to, as reported in the press.

At St George’s University Hospitals, there are currently no plans to stop any use of Entonox (Nitrous Oxide & Oxygen).

The assessments of the occupational levels of Nitrous Oxide exposure in staff for the past year have assured us that our current upgraded ventilation system has significantly reduced staff exposure levels and we continue to regularly monitor staff exposure to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

We worked closely with our Estates teams and have introduced formal active extraction (scavenging) of nitrous oxide into all areas of maternity by upgrading some of our rooms and using specialised hoses on Entonox breathing systems. This, combined with a specialised destruction unit, optimises the safety of nitrous oxide use both to the staff and the environment.