
Cancer clinicians appointed LCA pathway group chairs

Two St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust clinicians have been appointed pathway group chairs for the London Cancer Alliance (LCA). Mr Nicholas Hyde, lead cancer clinician at St George’s, who already sits on the LCA Clinical Board, has been appointed LCA pathway group chair for head and neck cancer, and Professor Barry Powell, head of melanoma services at St George’s, has been appointed the LCA pathway group chair for skin cancer.
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11 Feb 2013

Staff recognised at London Mayor’s reception

Staff from the senior health team at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, met Mayor of London Boris Johnson at an event acknowledging the outstanding work and achievements of members of the community.
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8 Feb 2013

Foundation Trust public consultation will shape the future of St George’s

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is today, Friday 1st February, launching its public consultation on becoming a Foundation Trust. The trust is inviting its staff, patients and members of the public to have their say on the membership and governance proposals which will determine how St George’s is governed in the future.
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1 Feb 2013

Surgery at St George’s presentation

The division of surgery, theatres, anaesthetics, neurosciences and cancer presented some of their key achievements of the past two years and plans for the future to the Board yesterday.
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1 Feb 2013

Study shows St George’s among best for responding to patient feedback

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been named as one of only a handful of trusts who effectively respond to patient feedback online.
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1 Feb 2013

St George’s Hospital’s emergency department officially opened

Dame Ruth Carnall, chief executive of NHS London, officially opened St George’s Hospital’s emergency department on Wednesday 23rd January 2013.
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23 Jan 2013

Cold snap is snow joke for elderly and vulnerable south west London residents

For most of us the snow means snow men, snow ball fights and good times. However, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust clinicians are urging people to consider the well being of others for whom the snow means an increased risk of ill health, and how to help people keep warm and keep well.
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18 Jan 2013

Chair announces non-executive appointments

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust chair Christopher Smallwood has announced that Dr Judith Hulf and Stella Pantelides joined the trust as non-executive directors on 1st January 2013.
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16 Jan 2013

Miles Scott

New Year letter to staff

2012 was a momentous year for the country and also for St George’s. The Jubilee and then the Olympics caught our imagination and brought people together as well as heralding unprecedented sporting success.

At St George’s we continued our proud tradition of providing excellent patient care. The Dr Foster Hospital Guide once again identified St George’s as one of a handful of Trusts to have statistically significant low mortality rates, a key marker of quality and safety.
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3 Jan 2013

St George’s Hospital’s Acute Medicine Unit officially opened

Ann Radmore, chief executive of NHS South West London, officially opened St George’s Hospital’s Acute Medicine Unit on Thursday, 20th December.
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21 Dec 2012

New signs provide clearer information for emergency patients

The emergency department at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, has installed a new signage system which will provide clear information to patients and could help reduce violence and aggression towards staff.
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19 Dec 2012

Arthur Smith helps celebrate staff achievement

Comedian Arthur Smith brought sparkle and laughter to St George’s annual staff awards as compère for the event which was held on Thursday, 13th December.

Hosted by Christopher Smallwood, chairman, and Miles Scott, chief executive, the dinner honoured staff who have given 25 years’ service to St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as well as the trust’s 2012 special achievement award winners. Volunteers who have given 10 years’ service to St George’s were also recognised.
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18 Dec 2012

St George’s clinicians advise public how to keep warm and keep well

As the winter draws in and the temperature drops, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust clinicians are urging people to keep warm and keep well.
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17 Dec 2012

Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad bring festive cheer to St George’s Hospital

A motley crew of riverside friends from Polka Theatre lead by the infamous Mr Toad arrived at the children’s wards at St George’s Hospital in Tooting on Friday, 14th December.
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17 Dec 2012

Gethin Jones sprinkles some Christmas stardust on St George’s Hospital neonatal unit

ITV’s Daybreak made St George’s Hospital’s neonatal unit the centre of the nation’s attention this morning as Gethin Jones hosted a live feature about the families and staff who will be spending the festive season on the unit.
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17 Dec 2012