
Chief nurse asks visitors and patients to help keep Norovirus out of hospital

St George’s Hospital, Tooting, is asking patients and visitors suffering with symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting (D&V) not to come into hospital and instead contact their GP or pharmacy.
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14 Dec 2012

BreckerWire designed to enhance patient safety

A consultant cardiologist at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has designed an innovative device with the aim of reducing the risk of complications during cardiac interventions. Known as the BreckerWire, the device is a new design of intracardiac guidewire developed by Dr Stephen Brecker, a cardiologist at St George’s since 1996.
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14 Dec 2012

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust named in elite group for mortality rates in Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2012

Date of issue: Monday, 3rd December 2012 The Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2012 has named St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as one of an elite group of only 16 trusts in the country to have ‘lower than expected’ mortality rates for the Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI), which …
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3 Dec 2012

BBC newsreader helps celebrate new family centred care role at St George’s Hospital

BBC newsreader Sophie Raworth was the special guest at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, on 21st November, helping to celebrate the new family centred care (FCC) coordinator role created to provide support for families of premature and sick babies in southwest London. The full-time post is shared between Bobbie Everson and …
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1 Dec 2012

Celebrating success in cardiothoracic surgery

In his latest blog Miles shares some of the exceptional work the department of cardiothoracic surgery are doing in terms of clinical care, their dedication to research, training and education.
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27 Nov 2012

Productive Community Services Wandsworth a national beacon

The wheelchair service at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been selected as a national case study to highlight the benefits of an improvement programme aimed at community services.
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16 Nov 2012

Pre-operative care centre improving patient safety

The new pre-operative care centre (POCC) at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, is enhancing the quality of care for patients coming to hospital for a procedure.
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13 Nov 2012

“A Very Special Hospital 1960-1998” – Queen Mary’s Hospital Museum Exhibition

The Archive & Museum Group of Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton today launched its new exhibition entitled “A Very Special Hospital 1960-1998”, in the Reception area on the Lower Ground Floor. It was opened by Di Caulfield –Stoker, Divisional Chair, Community Services Wandsworth before the Mayor of Wandsworth, Cllr Adrian Knowles, the Leader of the Council Ravi Govindia and 70 past and present patients, staff and Friends of the Hospital.
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31 Oct 2012

Toyah Willcox opens new children’s exhibition at St George’s Hospital

Television presenter and former pop star Toyah Willcox officially opened a new children’s art exhibition at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, on Friday, 19th October.
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25 Oct 2012

St George’s opens its doors for the 2012 Community Open Day

On Saturday, 13th October, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and St George’s, University of London opened their doors to members of the public for the 2012 St George’s Community Open Day.
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18 Oct 2012

Community Open Day at St George’s

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and St George’s, University of London will co-host a Community Open Day at their shared main site in Tooting on Saturday 13th October.
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5 Oct 2012

Antibiotic use aids MRSA spread in hospital and infection control measures do little to prevent it, says hospital study

The use of a commonly prescribed antibiotic is a major contributor to the spread of infection in hospitals by the ‘superbug’ MRSA, according to new research. The study also found that increasing measures to prevent infection – such as improved hygiene and hand washing – appeared to have only a small effect on reducing MRSA infection rates during the period studied.
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20 Sep 2012

St George’s to build South London’s first hospital helipad

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust announced today, Tuesday 18th September, that it has been granted formal planning permission to develop a helipad at St George’s Hospital in Tooting. It will be only the second hospital helipad in London and the first south of the river. The development will be partly funded through a grant of £1million from the County Air Ambulance Trust HELP (Helicopter Emergency Landing Pad) Appeal.
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18 Sep 2012

Royal visit for St George’s paediatric intensive care unit

The paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, was officially opened by HRH Princess Alexandra on Friday, 14th September.
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18 Sep 2012

Annual report 2011/12 looks back over exciting year for St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust today published its annual report and annual accounts 2011/12

The report has been published in a number of formats to try and cater for everybody’s needs. The best way to read the report is on the St George’s Healthcare website at The report is optimised for mobile phones so the layout will automatically adjust to your phone’s screen size, and there are also versions available for e-readers and Kindles, as well as a PDF version and a summary report on the website that will also be available around St George’s and Queen Mary’s Hospitals and health centres across Wandsworth.
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14 Sep 2012