NHS e-Referral Service

Advice & Guidance

The Trust offers clinical advice for most of our services through the NHS e-Referral Service.

Reasons why a clinician may wish to seek advice and guidance include:

  • Asking another clinician or specialist for their advice on a treatment plan;
  • Asking for clarification regarding a patient’s test results;
  • Seeking advice on the appropriateness of a referral;
  • Identifying the most clinically appropriate service to refer a patient into.

In general, advice and guidance should not be used to ask questions about:

  • emergency patient care
  • patients already under hospital follow-up
  • clinical questions where accessible local or national guidance already exists

Urgent Suspect Cancer (2ww, TWR) requests must include a Pan-London Suspected Cancer Form in the attachments.

Download referral forms for the following suspected cancers:

Can’t find the service you’re looking for?  Contact the eRS Manager at St George’s for service enquiries by email at bradley.mcgraw@stgeorges.nhs.uk.

Referrers can email our friendly scheduling team between 9.00 and 17.00 at RMC@stgeorges.nhs.uk

For enquiries related to patient specific eRS appointment requests contact our Central Booking Service on 0208 725 0007

Any correspondence regarding patients already within the St George’s system, i.e. letters to consultants, can be sent to this email and will be distributed to the appropriate team:internal.referrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk


Exemptions to e-Referral

The following services are exempt from e-referral and should continue to be referred to in the usual way:

e-Referral Service exclusions

e-Referral Service exclusions
Service/department How to send referralsHow to contact us
Allied Healthcare Professional/Nurse/Psychologist (excludes Physiotherapy)RMC@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Brysson Whyte Rehabilitation Unit at Queen Mary's Hospitalstgh-tr.bryssonwhyte@nhs.net
Cardiac investigations cardiac.investigationreferrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Community Paediatricscdcreferrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Diagnostics at The Nelson Health Centre stgh-tr.ref1@nhs.net
Douglas Bader Gymnasium at Queen Mary's HospitalBaderGymReferrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Endoscopy - flexible sigmoidoscopy and Gastroscopy- at Queen Mary's HospitalStgh-tr.Qmhendoscopydirectaccess@nhs.net
Frenulotomy (tongue tie division) stgh-tr.plasmops.plasticsurgery@nhs.net
Gynaecology Pelvic Ultrasound Radiology.Department@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Neuro Rapid Access clinic (For referrals to the acute neurology clinic (Please note NOT for rapid access spinal/neurosurgery referrals.)stgh-tr.stgeorgesrapidaccess@nhs.net
Neurology- Stroke stgeorges.TIA@nhs.net
Neurophysiology stgh-tr.neuro@nhs.net
Neurovascular services NeurovascularMDT@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Nutrition and Dietetics Community Service for adult and paediatric patientsCSW.dietitians@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Paediatric “Hot Clinic” (previously known as Paediatric Rapid Access/Referral Clinic) paediatric.rrc@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Physiotherapy- non MSK and non Wandsworth GP- Adults RMC@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Physiotherapy – community and non-community Paediatrics cdcreferrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk
Podiatry WACCG.healthshare@nhs.net
Rheumatology Bone Densitometry stgh-tr.SGHdexascans@nhs.net
South West London MSCC Service- (Metastatic spinal cord compression) SGH.MSCC@stgeorges.nhs.uk 
Spasticity service, Queen Mary's Hospitalstgh-tr.stgeorgesspasticityclinic@nhs.net
St John's Day Hospitalstgh-tr.stjohnsdayhospital@nhs.net
Wandsworth Community Neuro team and St John's therapy centre ( including Falls and Bone Health Team ) stgh-tr.TherapyReferrals@nhs.net
Wheelchair services - Roehampton wheelchairservicereferrals@stgeorges.nhs.uk


Booking your NHS e-Referral Service appointment

Book your NHS e-RS appointment online now

You can contact the NHS e-Referral Service at the following times, using the numbers below:

NHS e-Referral Service line on 0345 608 8888 (open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and on weekends and bank holidays from 8am to 4pm)

Please use the reference number and password from the patient’s appointment request letter. You will need to have these in front of you when booking an appointment.

Help and guidance

Please search our services to find the service you are looking for. Clinicians in all specialties have been involved to ensure that our information accurately reflects the services that we offer.

Two-week rule referrals are also supported by the NHS e-Referral Service. If there are no slots available, please defer to provider.


Why we are using the NHS e-Referral Service

Reduction in DNAs

Data from previous electronic booking pilots show that when patients are given a choice of date and time for their appointments they are more likely to attend. This leads to fewer wasted appointments and helps to improve the overall efficiency of outpatient clinics.

Reduction in non-clinical primary care consultations

The amount of time spent by administrative support staff in responding to patients’ enquiries about the progress of referrals is huge. In some cases a patient will book an appointment with their GP specifically to enquire about their referral. This reduces the amount of clinical time available in a practice. Eliminating this administrative burden brings an immediate benefit in primary care for patients, GPs and practice staff.

Reliable and comprehensive clinical information

Referral information from primary care systems will be made available to hospital clinicians in a legible and consistent format. Development of the National Care Record service will allow relevant patient information supplied by GP and hospital systems to be accessed by authorised users wherever and whenever it is needed.

Benefits for patients

Increased provision of services which are convenient to patients.

The journey through the NHS is increasingly patient focused. Appointments and admissions are made in discussion with the patient to get a mutually suitable date and time.

Reduced anxiety

Waiting to hear about appointments is a key concern for all patients. The electronic booking of appointments provides patients with more certainty. This helps them make arrangements and plan for the appointment. They will know straight away when their appointment will be, so they don’t have to wait for a confirmation letter to arrive.

Increased referral security

The system gives patients confidence that the referral information reaches the hospital. The information is protected by a series of stringent access controls and information governance. The system can also update referrals with up-to-date clinical developments.