St Georges is committed to the advancement of high quality and academic research and to ensuring that all research activities undertaken by staff and students involving human/ patients subjects are undertaken in a way that safeguards the dignity, rights, health, safety, and privacy of those involved.
St George’s University runs short training sessions in research skills and methods, within the Research Aware programme. These sessions are open to all St George’s NHS Trust staff, and aim to provide an introduction to various skills & considerations for healthcare research involvement. Each session is eligible for self-assessed CPD points.
A range of online courses provided by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and Health Research Authority (HRA) covering good research practice (incorporating planning research, research ethics, research collaboration and reporting research findings); research data and confidentiality; medical devices; mental capacity in research; research and human tissue regulation; Integrated Research Applications System (IRAS)
- Global Health trials – Research Ethics Online Training
- NIH Office of Extramural Research (mandatory for all NIH-funded projects)
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training
The JRES supports the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)-Health Research Authority’s (HRA) pragmatic guidance on the requirement of GCP training.
Researchers involved in certain types of projects (drug, device and or high risk trials) must have attended Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training, according to Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trial) regulations, the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research and ICH-GCP guidance. Researchers should aim to update this training every 3 years.
For all other types of studies, GCP is suggested as good practice and continued professional development, but is not mandatory
GCP courses
Within the South London region, GCP courses are delivered by a team of GCP facilitators from a wide range of organisations supported by the regional NIHR Clinical Research Network . The following NIHR GCP courses are available:
- Introduction to GCP training (classroom-based course, whole day) designed for individuals who are new to clinical research, or who have no previous experience of delivery of clinical research in the NHS.
- GCP Refresher training (classroom-based course) designed for experienced research delivery staff who have previously completed an Introduction course and have recent practical experience of working in a clinical research environment and have a good understanding GCP and related frameworks.
- GCP e-learning
Courses are available in specific fields:
- Introduction to GCP in Primary Care
- Introduction to GCP in Secondary Care
- Introduction to GCP in a Paediatric Setting
- Introduction to GCP with Adults Lacking Capacity
- Introduction to GCP for IMP Management (Pharmacy)
- Introduction to GCP in General Dental Practice
The local NIHR CRN website has details of all upcoming GCP classroom-based dates and locations across the region.
The NIHR training meets the Minimum Criteria for ICH GCP Investigator Site Personnel Training identified by TransCelerate BioPharma as necessary to enable mutual recognition of GCP training among trial sponsors.
This training has been certified by The CPD Certification Service.
4 CPD points are applicable to the e-learning course, and 6 points are applicable to the face to face workshop.
Please visit South London CRN’s training page for further information. To register please visit the CRN learning website .
The Joint Research and Enterprise Service (JRES) supports a series of workshops, training sessions and events for researchers. We are currently updating our training program and more information will follow.