Health and Care Professionals Research

The Trust has a number of initiatives to support health and care professionals (nurses, midwives, AHPs and pharmacists) to become research active. The Group Director for Health and Care Professionals Research is Professor Heather Jarman.

If you’d like more information on developing your career in research, and the advice and support we provide, please get in touch.

Chief Nurse Research Fellow programme

The fellowship programme aims to develop clinical excellence and research capacity (the ability to carry out research) in health and care professionals at St George’s. Research Fellows are released from practice 1 day per week (0.2WTE) to undertake a structured, year long researcher development programme including a fully funded PGCert in Research Methods. 

Chief Nurse Research Intern programme

The aim of the intern programme is to support health and care professionals at St George’s to take their first steps in research. Research interns are released from practice 1 day per week (0.2WTE) for 6 months to undertake an evidence-based clinical project agreed with their managers. This could be a service evaluation or audit with a clear benefit for patients or workforce. Training is personalised, with both formal and informal learning opportunities, and with clinical academic mentorship supported internally.