Translational and Clinical Research Institute (TACRI)

Latest News and Opportunities 

December 2023: ACRI Senior and Junior Research Fellowships

There are two fellowship opportunities that provide funded time or backfill for a period of up to a year to generate a research proposal, establish collaborations and write and submit research grant applications.

Details including eligibility criteria and relevant dates, can be found in these applications forms:

TACRI Senior Research Fellowship Application

TACRI Junior Research Fellowship Application

We encourage interested individuals to submit their applications by 8th January, 2024. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact

About us

In 2021 the Trust and SGUL launched TACRI, The Translational and Clinical Research Institute.

TACRI helps to support researchers of all levels to engage and grow our academic and clinical partnerships. Along with established investigators, membership of TACRI is open to all nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs).

The main aim of TACRI is to support the development of research collaborations, interests, skills and career progression, ultimately leading to a greater number of successful grant awards and publications for St. George’s researchers.

To help with this, TACRI provides educational and clinical seminars, a statistical consultancy service, where researchers can sense-check planned methodologies and statistical approaches, an interactive website highlighting St. George’s research success and much more.

TACRI also can assist in the planning and life-cycle of clinical research studies at the Trust. This can be in terms of governance requirements, approval processes, funding and costing application completion but could be whatever is necessary to get research started in the Trust!