St Georges Children’s Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG)
On this page:
The aim of Children’s Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG) is to provide a forum for collaboration between families, health, educational and social care professionals, voluntary organisations and others who commission, use or provide services for hearing impaired children.
CHSWG is responsible for improving services for families and children by listening to them, taking their views into account and by ensuring that recommendations from national initiatives and Quality Assurance are met. It offers advice, guidance, and platform to influence and tailor service provision directly.
When does it meet?
The group meets 3 times a year to share experiences, ideas and actions for improving the lives of deaf, hearing-impaired children and their families throughout the local area. The meetings run for two hours and are usually held on rotational basis.
How can you be involved?
Simply email on the following email address:
It would provide an opportunity for you to have your voice heard and represent other families at the meeting(s). As a Parent Representative you will get to meet other parents who are keen to influence services on behalf of families they represent.
Find out more
Get guidance on how the group works, support and training so you can get the best out of the meeting(s):