Professor Debasish Banerjee
Consultant Nephrologist, Professor of Clinical Practice – Renal Medicine
Care Group Lead
Clinical interests
Professor Banerjee is a nephrologist managing CKD, dialysis and kidney transplant patients with clinical and research expertise in cardiovascular complications in CKD. Working with International Society of Nephrology and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and following his establishment of the cardiorenal service at St George’s, he has helped in the creation of international strategies for managing CKD patients with cardiovascular disease.
As part of the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Renal Association, he has assisted in the formulation of national guidelines for the management of CKD patients with the added complication of diabetes.
Research interests
Professor Banerjee has received research grants from the NIHR (National Institute of healthcare research), British Heart Foundation, Kidney Research UK, the Wellcome Trust (ISSF), Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity and St Georges’ Hospital Charity. He has helped to prioritise cardiorenal research as a member of Kidney Research UK’s cardio-renal study group, co-chair for patient engagement group of International Society of Nephrology - Action of clinical trials and as grant reviewer for the MRC, NIHR, and Kidney Research UK. He is the co-chair for the Translational and Clinical Research Institute (TACRI) - St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Education interests
Professor Banerjee is the Quality Lead for the MBBS programme of City St George's, University of London. He teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and has won many consecutive teaching awards including the ‘Best Undergraduates Medicine Teacher Award’ at St George’s, an ‘Excellence in Teaching Award’ at St George’s, a ‘Distinguished Teacher Award’ from University College London, the ‘Inpatient Student Teaching award’ at the University of Miami and won the ‘Overall Contribution to Education Award’ from St George’s Hospital. He successfully supervised several MD and BSc research students.
He is member of International Society of Nephrology Education Working Group, Co-chair of the UK Kidney Association Education and Training Committee.
Research Grants (selected)
NIHR RfPB 207236: Impact of at-home subcutaneous furosemide in heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease on prevention of hospital admission; a randomised controlled, feasibility trial. Principal Applicant
External Sponsored Research Program, AstraZeneca, The LIFT trial: study protocol for a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of K+-binder Lokelma for maximisation of RAAS inhibition in CKD patients with heart failure. Principal Applicant
BHF 10/71/28462, Impact of Vitamin D on cardiac structure and function, Principal Applicant
National Institute of Healthcare Research (RfPB), Increasing acceptability and rates of organ donation among ethnic groups Co Applicant
Professional profile
Professional profile
To view Debasish Banerjee's ORCHID profile and full list of publications,
Jagadis Bose National Science Talent Search Scholarship India - 1985
Distinguished Teacher Award University College London Medical School - 1998
Young Investigator Award Southern Society of Clinical Investigation USA - 2003
Inpatient Student Teaching Award, University of Miami USA - 2003
Travel Fellowship Award, Consortium for South Eastern Hypertension Control USA - 2003
Excellence in Teaching Award, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 2010
Best Undergraduate Medicine Teacher, St George's, University of London - 2011
Overall contribution to Education Award, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - 2016
University of Calcutta - MBBS 1992
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education, Chandigarh - MD 1995
University of Miami - Fellowship in Nephrology and Hypertension 2003
London Deanery - CCST in Nephrology 2004
Fellow of Royal College of Physicians
Fellow of American Society of Nephrology
Fellow of Higher Education Academy
Member of International Society of Nephrology Action for Clinical Trials
Member of Cardiovascular Clinical Research Group Kidney Research UK
External Sponsored Research Program, AstraZeneca, Lokelma for maximisation of RAASi in CKD patients with Heart Failure; RCT Principal Applicant
British Heart Foundation Program Grant, Impact of Vitamin D on cardiac structure and function, Principal Applicant
Guys’ and St Thomas’ Charity Program Grant, Impact of Vitamin D on cardiac structure and function Co Applicant
St George’s Charity, Impact of Vitamin D on atherosclerosis and endothelial function in CKD, Principal Applicant
National Institute of Healthcare Research (RfPB), Increasing acceptability and rates of organ donation among ethnic groups Co Applicant
British Renal Society, Role of iNUT in inpatients with CKD, Co Applicant
Publications (recent)
For all publications
- Zac-Varghese, S., Mark, P., Bain, S., Banerjee, D., Chowdhury, T. A., Dasgupta, I., . . . Winocour, P. (2024). Clinical practice guideline for the management of lipids in adults with diabetic kidney disease: abbreviated summary of the Joint Association of British Clinical Diabetologists and UK Kidney Association (ABCD-UKKA) Guideline 2024. BMC NEPHROLOGY, 25(1). doi:10.1186/s12882-024-03664-1
- Banerjee, D., Ali, M. A., Wang, A. Y. -M., & Jha, V. (2024). Acute kidney injury in acute heart failure-when to worry and when not to worry?. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfae146
- Savarese, G., Lindberg, F., Cannata, A., Chioncel, O., Stolfo, D., Musella, F., . . . Rosano, G. M. C. (2024). How to tackle therapeutic inertia in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. A scientific statement of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE, 26(6), 1278-1297. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3295
- Mullens, W., Damman, K., Dhont, S., Banerjee, D., Bayes-Genis, A., Cannata, A., . . . Filippatos, G. (2024). Dietary sodium and fluid intake in heart failure. A clinical consensus statement of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE, 26(4), 730-741. doi:10.1002/ejhf.3244
- Tumelty, E., Chung, I., Hussain, S., Ali, M. A., Addada, H., & Banerjee, D. (2024). An Updated Review of the Management of Chronic Heart Failure in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. REVIEWS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, 25(4). doi:10.31083/j.rcm2504144
- Pippias, M., Alfano, G., Kelly, D. M., Soler, M. J., De Chiara, L., Olanrewaju, T. O., . . . Lightstone, L. (2024). Capacity for the management of kidney failure in the International Society of Nephrology Western Europe region: report from the 2023 ISN Global Kidney Health Atlas (ISN-GKHA). KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS, 13(1), 136-151. doi:10.1016/j.kisu.2024.01.008
- Ratnayake, A., Sarnowski, A., Sinclair, F., Annear, N. M. P., Banerjee, D., & Chis Ster, I. (2024). The dynamics and outcomes of AKI progression during the COVID-19 pandemic. NEPHROLOGY, 29(6), 325-337. doi:10.1111/nep.14297
- Forbes, A. K., Hinton, W., Feher, M. D., Elson, W., Ordonez-Mena, J. M., Joy, M., . . . de Lusignan, S. (2024). A comparison of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor kidney outcome trial participants with a real-world chronic kidney disease primary care population. NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfae071
- McNally, T., Tumelty, E., Chung, I., Hussain, S., Mookerjee, S., Ali, M. A., . . . Banerjee, D. (2024). Investigating the relationship between FRailty And Quality of LIfe in patients with heart faiLure and CKD (FRAIL study). ESC HEART FAILURE, 11(3), 1411-1421. doi:10.1002/ehf2.14693
- Forbes, A. K., Hinton, W., Feher, M. D., Elson, W., Joy, M., Ordonez-Mena, J. M., . . . Swift, P. A. (2024). Implementation of chronic kidney disease guidelines for sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor use in primary care in the UK: a cross-sectional study. ECLINICALMEDICINE, 68. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102426
- Parmar, S. S., Muthuppalaniappan, V., & Banerjee, D. (2023). Gaps in Modern Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease Research. EUROPEAN CARDIOLOGY REVIEW, 18. doi:10.15420/ecr.2022.64
- Murphy, D., Firoozi, S., Herzog, C. A., & Banerjee, D. (2023). Cardiac Troponin, Kidney Function, Heart Failure and Mortality After Myocardial Infarction in Patients With and Without Kidney Impairment. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 204, 383-391. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2023.07.106