Dr Renate Wendler
Clinical interests
Consultant anaesthetist with special interest in obstetric and cardio-thoracic anaesthesia
Professional profile
Additional qualifications:Pain Therapy, Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine (German Specialist Register), Postgraduate diploma for Management in Health Institutions
Dr Wendler completed her medical and anaesthetic training in Germany and worked as substantive consultant anaesthetist in Germany and Switzerland since 1996.
Since 2005 she has been a substantive consultant anaesthetist with special interest in obstetric and cardio-thoracic anaesthesia at St. George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She is one of the lead clinicians for high-risk obstetric anaesthesia, combining both of her special interests in obstetric and cardio-thoracic anaesthesia. The weekly obstetric-anaesthetic clinic was established in 2006, as part of the maternal medicine services at St. George’s and is serving the South-West Thames region for all complex medical conditions in pregnancy.
After serving as lead obstetric anaesthetist and care group lead for theatres and decontamination she was appointed as the associate medical director for clinical governance in 2014 and has assumed this role until 2020. She has now taken on the role as Appraisal lead and deputy RO.
In 2012 Dr Wendler was the anaesthetic representative on a clinical expert panel for maternity services as part of the London Health Programme (LHP) quality and safety programme. Since 2013 she has been representing the Obstetric Anaesthetists Association (OAA) at the national clinical reference group for Specialist Maternity Services, which is part of the National Commissioning Board.
In addition, Dr Wendler is representing obstetric anaesthesia in the NHS London Maternity Strategic Clinical Leadership Group. This group was established by the Medical Director for NHS London to improve outcomes in maternity across the capital and means involvement in the strategic development of maternity services throughout London. In this role she led and participated in several pan-London work streams on maternal haemorrhage, mortality review and morbidity and mortality reduction. Since 2018 Dr Wendler is the anaesthetic expert for the Department of Health and NHSI commissioned independent Shrewsbury & Telford Hospitals Maternity Services review panel.
Educational interests:
- Clinical teacher, educational supervisor and appraiser
- Member of faculty for the Royal College of Anaesthetists “Anaesthetists as Educators” (AaE) group
- Lecturer for Kingston University Midwifery School, as well as on a local high dependency course for midwives.
- Scientific reviewer for the International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Membership of Professional Societies:
FRCA, AAGBI, OAA, ACTA and German Society of Anaesthetists