NHS Constitution

The NHS Constitution sets out rights for patients, public and staff. It outlines NHS commitments to patients and staff, and the responsibilities that the public, patients and staff owe to one another to ensure that the NHS operates fairly and effectively. All NHS bodies and private and third sector providers supplying NHS services are required by law to take account of the constitution in their decisions and actions.

The constitution sets out a commitment for government to produce an up-to-date statement of NHS accountability to explain how decision-making works in the NHS. This is included in theĀ Guide to the healthcare system in England.

The Department of Health and Social Care has also producedĀ supplements, including the NHS Constitution handbook, that explains in greater detail the rights and pledges contained in the constitution.

Who does it apply to?

The NHS Constitution applies to everyone.

All NHS bodies and private and third sector providers supplying NHS services are required by law to take account of the Constitution in their decisions and actions.

Why is it necessary?

The NHS Constitution:

  • Secures the future of the NHS for generations to come. The government must renew the constitution every 10 years after comprehensive consultation
  • Aims to ensure high-quality, free NHS services – value for money for tax payers
  • Tells staff and patients what their entitlements are
  • Recognises that it is staff that really make the difference when providing high-quality care
  • Helps staff, patients and the public play their part in the NHS
  • Sets out a vision in which all staff should be trusted and actively listened to and have the confidence and tools to act in patients’ interests

What are the rights and NHS pledges to patients?

There are a number of rights and pledges, detailed under the following headings:

  • Access to health services
  • Quality of care and the environment
  • Nationally approved treatments and programmes
  • Respect, consent and confidentiality
  • Informed choice
  • Involvement in healthcare and the NHS
  • Complaint and redress

How we apply the Constitution?

The Trust is required by law to take account of the Constitution in its decisions and actions. We committed to the rights, responsibilities and pledges set out in the Constitution.