Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap legislation requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish an annual Gender Pay Gap report. The data from each is based on a snapshot from the 31st March of that year. The Trust Gender Pay Gap reports are as follows:

Gender Pay Gap 2021-2022
Gender Pay Gap 2020-21
Gender Pay Gap 2019-20
Gender Pay Gap 2018-19
Gender Pay Gap 2017-18
Gender Pay Gap 2016-17

Ethnicity Pay Gap

Although we are not yet mandated to report on our Ethnicity Pay Gap we have chosen to do so. This not only ensures greater transparency but also complements both the gender pay gap reporting and the Trust Equality and Diversity Strategy. As with the Gender Pay Gap report the data is based on a snapshot date of 31st March of that year.

Ethnicity Pay Gap 2018-19
Ethnicity Pay Gap 2017-18