The South West London Collaborative Staff Bank

What is the South West London Collaborative Staff Bank?

A new way to work, NHS Trusts in South West London have created a ‘virtual’ Staff Bank.

Used to access shifts at your own Trust and the other Trusts participating, you will be able to view vacant bank duties, helping staff to increase their work/life balance.

Offering a greater choice and flexibility, in a way that suits individuals, joining is simple and entirely voluntary. To see what it’s all about, click the Vimeo channel here

Next, download the newly introduced free ‘Me’ mobile app, onto your phone or via desktop on your computer at

How does it work?

To complete the process, simply follow the steps below;

1. Download the app – Download, Link, Join the CloudStaff, Register (Download the ‘Me’ app to get started sign up with your email, exisiting members please login)

2. Complete the forms – Joiner forms, pension forms, payroll forms, hours opt out form, further details explaining how to can be found on your Home Trust Intranet Site.

3. Book a shift – view shifts, book shifts, work shifts

It’s as easy as that!

The ‘Me’ App is about reducing reliance on agency workers, therefore reducing costs and increasing the quality of care to patients by enabling staff across ALL Trusts to cover vacant shifts.

PLEASE NOTE that the collaborative bank is only available if you are an active employee in any of the included Trusts.

How do I join?

Clicking on the links below, please complete ALL documents and return to

Starter checklist
Personal details
Pension questionnaire – Epsom and St HelierKingston
Max hours opt out form

For further information, FAQs and Terms & Conditions, please read the related documents on the right of this page.

NOTE there is 10 day turn around for processing these documents and that failure to submit the forms may cause a delay in your payment. You will be paid by the Trust you work for.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please email