Supporting our staff

We want to make St George’s a truly outstanding place to work, and for staff to develop their careers.

We treat hundreds of thousands of patients every year, and provide a range of services for local people – such as maternity and emergency care – as well as more specialist services such as neurosurgery, paediatric surgery, cancer, fetal medicine, and much more.

We employ nearly 9,000 staff, and there are a wide range of different roles and positions at the Trust, both clinical and non-clinical, spanning a wide range of specialties – click here to access our jobs page, and to see positions we are currently recruiting to.

Making you feel welcome

We have a range of initiatives at the Trust which are designed to make staff feel welcome, and key members of Team St George’s. We also have advice and support in place for staff to ensure you stay well, and feel supported in your role at the Trust.

For example, we have a team of Freedom to Speak Up Champions, who play a key role in helping to develop an open and honest culture at the Trust. You can find out more about the role of our Freedom to Speak Up Champions here, together with contact information.

We have also invested in new health and wellbeing initiatives for staff, ranging from counselling and support for those experiencing emotional distress, to tips and classes on health eating and physical activity. You can read our Mind your health support guide for more information, with copies also given out at Trust induction.

In January 2020, we also launched a new Culture Champions initiative, which involves more than 20 staff working with Jacqueline Totterdell, Chief Executive, to help create a working environment at St George’s that enables us to provide outstanding care, every time for our patients, and each other. Click here for more information.

When you join the Trust, there are a range of ways of finding out what is going on – from regular e-bulletins and staff events. You can also follow us on  Twitter and Facebook.