Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
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A multi-disciplinary team provides comprehensive care for COPD patients who access our services as out-patient referrals or through emergency hospital admission.
The team works collaboratively with community COPD nurses and has strong links with primary care, encouraging joined-up care for COPD patients.
Routine referrals are seen within 2-4 weeks. A specialist nurse or doctor is available to provide advice for patients or healthcare professionals on all aspects of COPD or to see urgent referrals on week days.
Our services provided include diagnosis, education and self-management plans, management of severe or complex COPD (including nebulised antibiotics for chronic infection, support for home non-invasive ventilation, links with secondary pulmonary hypertension service and palliative care), nebuliser and oxygen assessment as well as access to structured pulmonary rehabilitation.
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has an active clinical research programme that aims to improve care for COPD patients.