Breast Cancer Screening
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All women aged 50 to their 71st birthday registered with a South West London GP are invited to breast screening once every three years. Women 71 and over will stop receiving screening invitations, but you can still request breast screening by calling 020 3758 2024 to make an appointment.
Currently more than 210,000 women are invited for screening during each three-year screening cycle. South West London Breast Screening is co-ordinated from the Rose Centre at St Georges’ Hospital In order to enable women to be screened closer to home there are also screening sites across South West London. These are at Teddington Memorial Hospital, Surbiton Heath Centre ,Edridge Road Community Health Centre Croydon, Robin Hood Lane Health Centre Sutton, Purley War Memorial Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton.
Breast Screening is a well woman service and approximately 95 per cent of women who attend will get a normal result. Approximately 5% are called back to our consultant led assessment clinic at the Rose Centre for further tests, including further mammography, ultrasound and needle biopsy. For every five women recalled four women will go on to receive a normal result.
It is important to continue to be breast aware in-between breast screening appointments. It is also important that women of any age, with changes in their breasts which concern them, should go directly to their GP for further advice.
All women aged 50 to their 71st birthday registered with a South West London GP are invited to breast screening once every three years.
How we are working to keep you safe in times of Covid
If you’re due to attend St George’s for a breast screening appointment, we have measures in place to protect you. Watch a short video we’ve created with the help of Jacquie Beltrao, a Sky News Sports Presenter, to show you what will happen at your appointment.
Jacquie understands how important screening is, as she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013.