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St George’s hospital believes that people affected by cancer including cancer patients treated at St George’s, family members, representatives of voluntary local community cancer support groups and members of the public, should be at the heart of our cancer services.

They are committed to delivering quality care that offers a positive patient experience and need your help to achieve this.

You are in a unique position to tell us what works and where we can make improvements. We want to know what is important to you to help identify the priorities when planning and developing services to meet the needs of the local population.

The benefits of being a Voice Member

  • Receive email information about events, activities and
  • influence and support patient-centred cancer services by
    sharing your views on what works and where we can make
  • Receive the Cancer Connect newsletter covering inspiring
    patient stories, new clinical developments and local support. It
    offers opportunities to use your own personal experience to help us improve cancer services in the future.

What would being a Voice Member involve?

  • The opportunity to attend listening events – often on a specific topic where information is shared and there are opportunities for the experiences of people affected by cancer to be heard.
  • Invitations to attend occasional workshops and focus groups e.g. the development of a peer telephone support service CanChat (See video on the Macmillan Centre webpage)

  • Involvement in on-off projects e.g telling your story as part of teaching sessions for staff, being on the interview panel for clinical staff or using your experience to help the development oa service
  • Giving email feedback on proposals and projects
  • Opportunity to Join the Voice core group. The group, in partnership with health professionals, meets monthly where the interests, needs, and activities of the broader Voice membership are discussed and planned.

Sue Fox, Chair of Voice about our listening events:

“It’d be easy for us to send out surveys over email, but holding events for our members works really well. We invite along interesting speakers and typically get between 40-60 people attending each event.

“We are able to gather invaluable feedback, and our members appreciate the chance to socialise and share experiences with fellow patients. People liked to be asked what went well and what could be better, and we’re always hoping to hear those “golden nuggets” of ideas for how we  can improve things.”