
Come and join the St George’s team!

Are you a registered nurse with a passion for providing high quality and innovative care? Come and join our ambitious and progressive team at an exciting time of expansion for the cardiovascular directorate at St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust. We are developing a pioneering 17-bed cardiology heart failure unit with …
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1 Sep 2014

Come Dine With Us at St George’s

We invited our twitter followers and members of the public visiting St George’s Hospital to a free taste-testing session.

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1 Sep 2014

Specialised stroke units are saving 96 more lives a year

New research has shown 96 more lives are being saved every year thanks to specialised stroke units like the one we have here at St George’s Hospital.

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11 Aug 2014

The results are in for our Council of Governors election

Nominations for our Council of Governors elections have now closed, but you can view the list of candidates here

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29 Jul 2014

Quality Account showcases continuing improvements for St George’s patients

The St George’s Quality Account 2013/14 is now available on the trust’s website and on the NHS Choices website Every NHS trust in the country publishes a Quality Account each year. Quality Accounts assess how well a trust is performing against national targets set by the Department of …
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10 Jul 2014

Regional Trauma Networks are increasing patient survival rates

New figures show that patients in England have a 30 per cent improved chance of surviving severe injuries since the introduction of Regional Trauma Networks
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2 Jul 2014

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust publishes ward staffing data

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust has published its staffing fill rates and safety data on the NHS Choices website this week*. This is in accordance with a 2013 report produced by Jane Cummings, the Chief Nursing Officer for England, the National Quality Board and the Trust Development Authority. Maintaining the …
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25 Jun 2014

The dietitians are coming … are you ready?

This week is the first ever UK ‘Dietitians Week’ established as part of the British Dietetic Association’s (BDA) ‘Trust a Dietitian’ campaign. As part this specialised week St George’s NHS Hospital Trust is supporting registered dietitians by profiling the valuable work of the dietetic team within the trust. We’ll be …
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9 Jun 2014

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust statement on Merton CCG

A spokesperson for St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the largest provider of hospital services to Merton residents. We have every confidence in Dr Howard Freeman and his team at Merton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).”

7 Jun 2014

Official Opening of the St George’s Hospital Helipad

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson officially opened the St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust helipad

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29 May 2014

First class effort by our First Touch charity

The Chelsea Flower Show is the most famous flower show in the UK. It attracts visitors from all over the world.
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22 May 2014

‘Good’ result for St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust

The overall standard of care is ‘good’ across all trust sites, the Care Quality Commission has found, with some aspects of care rated as ‘outstanding’
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24 Apr 2014

St George’s goes live with helipad on 7th April

St George’s helipad came into operation on Monday, 7th April 2014. The helipad cost £5m to build, with £1m being donated by the HELP charity appeal and is expected to become fully functional following test flights that are happening this week.
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4 Apr 2014

New Pathology Service formed for south west London

The chief executives of Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust have today signed an agreement to join their current pathology services together to form a new pathology partnership called South West London Pathology
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19 Mar 2014

Brothers Neal Ferman (donor) & Paul (recipient) featured on the BBC London News

Kidney donor day delights

St George’s hosted a small celebration for kidney donors and recipients from the last year. Donors and the Renal team were joined by BBC London news, who did a wonderful piece on the team which appeared on both lunchtime and evening news.
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24 Feb 2014