
Doctors warn of TB Risk: Figures show 40 per cent rise in cases between 1999 and 2003

WANDSWORTH could face a rise in cases of tuberculosis unless people are made more aware of the symptoms of the disease, public health experts have warned. The warning came as London health chiefs announced the return of TB screening vans to the streets of the capital for the first time …
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24 Mar 2005

Stroke care at St George’s ranks among the best in the country, says report

ST GEORGE’S Hospital has one of the best stroke units in the country, according to an independent report. Researchers for the Royal College of Physicians listed St George’s as one of the top ten hospitals in the land for the care of stroke patients in the National Sentinel Stroke Audit …
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21 Mar 2005

MRSA infections halved at St George’s

CASES of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria MRSA have been halved at St George’s Hospital in the last three years, according to new figures published earlier this week. According to a Government report there were 54 cases of MRSA bloodstream infections at St George’s Hospital between April and September 2001. This fell …
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11 Mar 2005

St George’s publishes cardiac death rates

St George’s Hospital in Tooting has published mortality rates for cardiac surgery on its internet site. As well as raw data on deaths following three kinds of heart operation, the Trust is also publishing risk-adjusted information which takes account of the complexity and severity of the illness of the patient. …
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14 Feb 2005

Bolingbroke patient transfer – update

The transfer of elderly inpatients from the Bolingbroke Hospital in Wandsworth to other locations is progressing well, according to senior staff at St George’s Hospital. Of the 54 continuing care, rehabilitation and intermediate care beds previously at the Bolingbroke: 27 of the 29 rehabilitation beds from the Bolingbroke have been …
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7 Feb 2005

St George’s takes lead in fight against superbugs

ST GEORGE’S HOSPITAL in Tooting, London, has become the first to send a major party to the UK’s first ever Clean Hospitals Summit, on April 14-15. Nine delegates from the hospital will join top NHS figures, plus those from industry and concerned public organisations, to pool ideas and knowledge to …
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2 Feb 2005

A&E care is better, say patients

DOCTORS and nurses in the A&E department of St George’s Hospital may be treating people in record time, but now a new report says the care they give their patients is better than a year ago. An independent survey has found nearly 85 per cent of patients think that the …
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2 Feb 2005

Hospital renames wards

ST GEORGE’S has today (Tuesday 1 February) renamed three of its wards to help patients and visitors find their way around the hospital. Benjamin Brodie ward has been renamed Florence Nightingale ward after the legendary nurse and public health reformer who was a Governor of St George’s Hospital towards the …
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1 Feb 2005

St George’s physio named NHS champion

A PHYSIOTHERAPIST from St George’s Hospital has scooped a top award for her work with children. Children’s physiotherapist Hilary Rattue was named an NHS Champion on Tuesday 18 January after being nominated for the award by three London families. The awards, which are run by The Evening Standard, the independent …
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20 Jan 2005

Trust must act to protect Bolingbroke patients

Elderly patients staying in beds at the Bolingbroke Hospital in Wandsworth are to be moved to different accommodation because the outdated nature of the building means it could be difficult to evacuate them safely in the event of a fire. It is hoped that the transfer of inpatients will be …
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17 Jan 2005

Clot-busting drug given to stroke victims

A DRUG which can stop stroke victims being permanently paralysed after an attack is being given to patients by brain specialists at St George’s Hospital. Doctors at the Trust are giving a thrombolytic drug called Alteplase to patients who have suffered strokes to break up blood clots before they destroy …
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14 Jan 2005

Weathermen help hospital docs predict rise in patients

WEATHER experts from the Met Office have teamed up with doctors from St George’s Hospital to help them predict the number of patients needing treatment over the winter months. According to the scheme which began in November, the hospital receives two forecasts a week from the UK’s Met Office. Each …
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12 Jan 2005

Miracle girl Jodie Duffin presents £20,000 cheque to her medical team

JODIE DUFFIN, the young girl from Morden who was the victim of a hit and run accident in June, returned to the hospital where she recovered from her injuries on Saturday 11 December 2004 to present a £20,000 cheque to her medical team. Jodie, aged 12, was joined by her …
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19 Dec 2004

Local NHS issues advice for residents on Winter Vomiting Disease

Two local NHS organisations are teaming up to issue health advice for local residents, following an increase in cases of diarrhoea and vomiting in the community, which is probably due to Winter Vomiting Disease (also known as norovirus). Wandsworth Primary Care Trust (PCT) and St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation …
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16 Dec 2004

Actors entertain hospital kids

ACTORS FROM community theatre troupe Ladder to the Moon are back with more fantasy-fuelled mayhem for the children’s wards of St George’s Hospital. The theatre company has been weaving their magic at the Tooting-based Trust for the past two weeks, gathering ideas and stories from children and the staff who …
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9 Dec 2004