Coaching for trainees returning to clinical training

Returning to training after a period of absence can be a daunting time for trainees. Trainees returning to clinical practice often report a lack of self confidence in their abilities, anxiety about returning to clinical practice and difficulty settling back in to the clinical environment.

Trainees also report feeling anxious about how colleagues and seniors will judge them on their return. Many trainees return to work after significant life events and changes in circumstances and priorities.

A coaching programme is available at St Georges’ as part of the SuppoRTT programme.

Coaching sessions will provide two 1: 1 sessions (online) followed by a group session (5 doctors with a coach).

1:1 sessions will include:

-Establishing the coaching relationship

  • Online Clifton Strength Assessment.
  • Detailed and Bespoke Strengths Report
  • Coaching sessions based on output of report and individual circumstances.

Group coaching session with 4 other colleagues (5 doctors total) who are all returning to training after a period of absence includes:

  • Getting to know each other and sharing of experiences.
  • Group coaching discussions on talents and strengths and how to best apply them on their return.
  • Practical exercises on creating our ‘best self’.
  • Collective support, accountability and communication channels.

Trainees whom are interested in the coaching programme should contact SuppoRTT champion Dr Rosy Wells (