How do I find something out about the Trust
How do I find something out about the Trust
Before formally making a FOI request, please check this website to see if it contains the information you are looking for.
In addition, The Trust’s Publication Scheme provides a complete guide to what information is routinely published by the Trust, for example policies, procedures and minutes of meetings.
St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust recognises that the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act is the primary way people can find out information about public services in the UK. The Act is designed to help the public hold the Trust to account for its performance and its use of public money.
The Act therefore places a duty on the Trust to release on request recorded information that it holds. The Trust takes this duty seriously. Not only does it recognise the spirit of the Act, which is to be open and transparent about what we do and how we do it; the Act provides an important route for engagement with the Trust’s stakeholders and helps the Trust understand what they are interested in.
The Trust helps ensure compliance with its legal duty to provide information by:
- Providing a single point of access for Freedom of Information requests
- Having a detailed publication scheme on its website
- Training staff to recognise and respond to FOI and EIR requests