What is this all about?

DFN Project SEARCH offers young people with learning disabilities and/or autism the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in real work situations through work placements within St George’s Hospital.

DFN Project SEARCH is an international transition to work programme committed to transforming the lives of young people with learning disabilities and/or autism.

The programme is one year transition to work programme for young adults with a learning disability or autism spectrum condition. It has now been running at St George’s Hospital for over twelve years and served many young people in that time. The interns complete three rotation placements around the hospital and will experience real-world work within the hospital. These can include Portering, Admin, Reception, The SU Shop, Ingredients Café and many more.  We always welcome and encourage more placements around the hospital so please do get in contact with details below.

The interns are matched to their placements in terms of skills, abilities and interests, and this differs for each intern. The interns are supported by their managers and mentors who work alongside them in each department, helping them to learn the skills required in each placement, until they can perform the tasks independently.

The interns also receive support from their on-site job coach and tutor, who support them in placement and help them to develop an employability plan, CV and write letters to employers. The interns have classroom-based learning on topics such as employability skills, social skills and health and safety in the hospital.

What Success have we had so far?

Approximately 60% of past students have gone onto employment inside and outside the Hospital. Within the Hospital, there are graduates working in EDM Scanning department, Medical Records, the Porters department, Theatre Porters, Ingredients Restaurant and Sterile Services department. There are also graduates working externally with businesses, such as Marks and Spencer’s, Primark, Local Pubs, Cricket Green School and many more.

How can you be involved?

We are always looking for:

  • More placements are welcome around the hospital. If you feel you could host a placement, please get in contact.
  • More employers getting involved in reducing barriers for our young interns.

Contact Details