Information about your pregnancy
On this page:
Pregnancy and antenatal care
Here we’ve included lots of information about what to expecting with lots of helpful links to our partner, the Twins Trust, for detailed guidance.
If you have any questions, please do speak to your clinician for advice.
Finding out you are having twins or more:
Your journey with our twin specialist midwives:
- Schedule of midwifery visits: dichorionic twins, monochorionic twins, triplet pregnancies.
Deborah is one of our specialist midwives. In the video below, she explains more about the team who will be caring for you and what to expect at your first appointment.
Sarah is also one of our specialist midwives. Below, she talks through the care we provide women expecting multiples, including what to expect from your antenatal classes.
Your journey with our twin specialist sonographers:
- Schedule of scans for dichorionic twins, monochorionic twins, triplet pregnancies – what will be looked at in each scan.
Looking after yourself when pregnant with multiples:
Below are some helpful guides on how to stay well during your pregnancy.
If you have any worries or concerns, please talk to your clinician so they can reassure you or do further investigations.
- List of symptoms when pregnant with multiples
- General advice for looking after yourself during your pregnancy
- Mental health
- Pregnancy countdown tool
Complications of Multiple Pregnancies:
Below are some of the complications that can arise in twin, triplet or more pregnancies. These are rare, but when they happen they do need medical attention and monitoring.
- Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
- Selective fetal growth restriction
- Twin Anaemia-Polycythaemia Sequence
- Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion sequence
Labour and delivery
Below are some helpful guides on what to prepare beforehand to get ready for your babies’ arrival.
Timing and mode of birth:
The postnatal period and neonatal care:
Support for parents in hospital:
Neonatal care for your babies:
Feeding your babies:
Support for your mental health:
Coming home after birth:
- Coming home from hospital
- Home support
- Support for counselling services:
Theresa O’Connell – Theresa.O’
Melanie O’Byrne – Melanie.O’