On this page:

The assessment appointment takes 2 hours and will be held at the Phoenix Centre

During that time you will have individual meetings with a –

  • Specialist Pain Psychologist
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Specialist Pain Physiotherapist

You will be asked to complete questionnaires and we will do a basic assessment of your level of mobility.

The assessment is an opportunity for the team to understand in detail the difficulties that you have with your pain problem.  There will also be a chance for you to ask any questions that you have about our service.

When the assessment is complete, the team will discuss your case and make a recommendation for the type of help that we feel you need.

In some cases you and the team may decide that the services offered by the Chronic Pain Self Management Team are not suitable for you.  We may recommend that you are seen in a different service. All of our recommendations will be explained fully to you.


Preparing for the your assessment 

  • Please re-read the booklet of information from the Introduction session.  This will help you think about the questions that you want to ask the team during the assessment
  • Think about the goals  / lifestyle changes that you would like to work on that will help you improve your quality of life, even though pain continues
  • Please bring a list of the medication that you take for pain
  • You will need reading glasses if you ear them so that you can complete our questionnaires
  • We aim to start our clinics on time.  You will be in the Centre for at least 2 hours so you might want to bring a drink and a snack with you