Paediatric Physiotherapy
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Acute Paediatric Physiotherapy Service
There is an inpatient physiotherapy service provided across the paediatric wards at St George’s Hospital. This service provides input for various patient groups including; Acute Neurology, Neurosurgery, Trauma and Orthopaedics, Oncology, Neonates, Surgery, Medical and Respiratory. Physiotherapy input ranges from assessment (including regional specialist assessment), acute rehabilitation and organising specialist equipment, through to discharge planning and onward referral to local therapy services.
Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Service
The paediatric respiratory physiotherapy team at St George’s cover both inpatient and outpatient respiratory caseloads. The inpatient caseload includes daily respiratory physiotherapy cover to the intensive care units (mainly paediatric intensive care) and also to the wards. Due to our regional respiratory service at St George’s, we also provide an outpatient physiotherapy service which is predominantly a clinic based service.
Community Paediatric Physiotherapy Service
The community paediatric physiotherapy service provides a high standard of physiotherapy care across the Wandsworth Borough for children aged 0-16 years with complex needs (such as cerebral palsy, neuromuscular conditions, global developmental delay, etc.) as well as musculoskeletal conditions (such as knee pain, back problems, sports injuries, etc.)
Paediatric Physiotherapy in Special Schools (Greenmead Primary School)
The Physiotherapy team at Greenmead provide a broad range of services on an individualised needs-basis to optimise the physical needs and gross motor development for pupils. Services include: Physiotherapy assessment and treatment sessions; equipment provision; postural management, class and home programmes; liaison with outside professionals and referrals to other services and are provided as part of an integrated therapy approach within the multidisciplinary therapy team and in partnership with educational staff. Greenmead caters for children from 2- 11 years.