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The aim of the Health Promotion Team at St George’s Bowel Cancer Screening Centre is to spread awareness on Bowel Cancer and the Screening Test in order to improve screening uptake across South West London. We do this by engaging with communities and GP surgeries across South West London.

The Health Promotion Team is made up of Lisa-Lyna Ofosu-Asare (our Health Improvement Specialist) and Annice Norman (our Health Promotion Assistant).

Health Promotion Events so far in 2024

Talk at Multicultural Richmond   

On the 13 May Lisa-Lyna attended the Multicultural Social club run by Multicultural Richmond. The talk was well received and there were a range of questions answered following the talk.


Health and Wellbeing event at Springfield Hospital

Lisa-Lyna attended Springfield Hospital on the 19 June. Here she held a Bowel Cancer Stall and gave a talk to service users on Bowel Cancer. Lisa-Lyna also informed service users of the new bowel cancer screening service going live at Springfield Hospital on the 1st of July 2024.


Learning Disability Event at St George’s Hospital

On June 17 during Learning Disability Awareness Week Lisa-Lyna held a Bowel Cancer Stall at a Learning Disability Event at St George’s Hospital. The event was well attended with a range of people from the community as well as internal and external organisations, attending for further information on support for people with Learning Disabilities.


Croydon Cancer Conference

On the 3 of July, Lisa-Lyna attended the Croydon Cancer Conference held my Macmillan and the Croydon BME Forum. At the conference she held a Bowel Cancer stall, delivered a talk on Bowel Cancer, and held a workshop. During the workshop she was able to answer a range of questions on Bowel Cancer and the screening process from the people that attended.


Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2024

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month! Bowel Cancer Awareness month occurs annually and is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of bowel cancer. Throughout the month we attended a range of events across South West London.


Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Stand

We started Bowel Cancer Awareness month with a stand in the main entrance of St George’s Hospital on April 2. The stall was manned by Annice, our Health Promotion Assistant, gave out information and answered questions from those attending the hospital.


Bowel Cancer Talk at FiSH (Friendship, Independence, Support, Help) Community


Lisa-Lyna was invited to host a talk on Bowel Cancer and the screening programme at FiSH on 2 April 2024.  It was a largely attended talk, with a lot of questions and discussions on Bowel Cancer as a whole.   The feedback from the event was extremely positive too.


Age UK Community Hub Tour


On the 3 of April Lisa-Lyna kicked off a tour of Age UK Community Hubs in Croydon with a Bowel Cancer Talk at Scratchley Hall (pictured on the top left). The talks held during the tour were well attended and allowed for many questions and meaningful discussions on Bowel Cancer.


On the 8 of April Lisa-Lyna as part of the Age Uk tour Lisa-Lyna delivered a Bowel Cancer Talk at Selsdon Library Community Hub (pictured on the top right).


On the 25th of April Lisa-Lyna delivered a Bowel Cancer Talk at the Age UK community hub at Edward Jobson Court (pictured on bottom right) and concluded the tour of Age UK Community Hubs with a talk at Scratchley Hall (pictured on bottom left).


Joint Bowel Cancer Stand at Croydon University Hospital – Lisa-Lyna attended Croydon University Hospital on 19th April 2024 to host a joint stand with the Bowel Cancer and Macmillan Team. It was a great day and they engaged with a lot of people that attended the hospital.


Joint Bowel Cancer Stand at Croydon University Hospital – Lisa-Lyna attended Croydon University Hospital on 19th April 2024 to host a joint stand with the Bowel Cancer and Macmillan Team. It was a great day and they engaged with a lot of people that attended the hospital.


Bowel Cancer Talk at Purley Masjid Mosque – Lisa-Lyna was invited but ARCC to run a talk on 25th April to discuss Bowel Cancer and the screening problem.  The talk was held at the Purley Masjid Mosque in Croydon.  There were deep discussions on screening and all the possible barriers that people might face when it comes to screening and how to address these barriers.
Bowel Cancer Talk at Brigstock Community Hub


Lisa-Lyna was invited by ARCC to run a talk at their weekly community hub on 29 April 2024 to raise awareness on the importance of Bowel Cancer Screening. A few of those in attendance noted that they felt encouraged to do their screen following the discussions.


Bowel Cancer Awareness Stand St George’s Hospital

To conclude Bowel Cancer Awareness month a stand was held in the entrance of St George’s Hospital. The stand was manned by Annice, who was joined by Jane Morales, the Colorectal Cancer Lead Nurse at St George’s who helped to answer questions and give out information to those attending the hospital.


Bowel Cancer Stall at Wide Way Medical Centre


19 February 2024, Wide Way Medical Centre, Mitcham. We set up a Bowel Cancer stall at Wide Way Medical Centre as part of our Health Awareness Days. The stall was in the waiting room where we were available for patients to come and ask questions about bowel cancer and the screening process.

Talk for the Association for Polish Family


13 February 2024, New Horizon Centre, Mitcham. Lisa-Lyna gave a talk at the Ukrainian Hub run by the Association for Polish Family. An interpreter was present at the talk. The talk was well received with a range of questions asked from those who attended.

World Cancer Day 2024 Event


2 February 2024, St Georges Hospital. This event was put together by the cancer team at St Georges Hospital in celebration of World Cancer Day. Various member of staff from across the trust attended this event and gave talks on cancer. Lisa-Lyna attended this event to give a presentation on Bowel Cancer, alongside the RM partners Cancer Alliance and The Breast Screening service at St Georges. Lisa-Lyna also held a stall at the event where she was able to continue sharing information.


A Snapshot of 2023’s Bowel Health Promotion

Talk With Kingston Migrant Advocacy Group


December 14, 2023, at Kingsnympton Park Estate.


Carshalton Health and Wellbeing Fair


8th November 2023 at David Weir Leisure Centre.

Black Communities Healthy Living & Lifestyle Fair


21 October 2023 Held at Chestnuts Community Centre in Tottenham to help support the NHSE Bowel Cancer Campaign.

April 2023 Bowel Cancer Awareness Month


April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month! Bowel Cancer Awareness Month occurs annually in April and is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of bowel cancer. Throughout the month we will be attending a range of events across Southwest London.


Talk with The Kingston Tamil Group

14 June 2023 at Abbey Smile Hall, Kingston. An interpreter was present during the presentation.

Merton Health and Wellbeing Fair

Saturday 21 January 2023 at The Lantern Arts Centre in Raynes Park.

Talk with the Hong Kong Migrant Group

11 January 2023, Kingston Library. An interpreter was present for the presentation.


Feedback from the community

Hear from Richard who attended the talk with the Kingston Quaker Group in July 2023.

Hear from a member of the Hong Kong Migrant group who attended the talk in January 2023.


NHSE Radio Campaigns

Health Improvement Specialist Lisa-Lyna discusses all things Bowel Cancer and Bowel Cancer Screening related. With Premier Gospel Radio Station.

Lisa-Lyna discusses Bowel Cancer facts, the process of bowel cancer screening and the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Campaign with The Beat FM radio station.