Dr Jeremy Isaacs
Dr Isaacs is a consultant neurologist at St George’s and Kingston Hospitals. He has a specialist interest in cognitive neurology and dementia and is Clinical Director of the NHS London Dementia Clinical Network.
He runs a multi-disciplinary cognitive neurology service at St George’s Hospital offering diagnosis, treatment and support for all types of cognitive disorder, including young-onset and atypical dementias. He has developed a support group for people living with young-onset dementia:
- www.youngdementiasupport.london
- www.stgeorgeshospitalcharity.org.uk/find-a-fund/young-onset-dementia-group
Professional profile
Dr Isaacs studied medicine at Cambridge and UCL, where he qualified in 1998. From 2002-2006 he held research posts at KCL Institute of Psychiatry and subsequently at UCL Institute of Neurology. His PhD was on the immunology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).
Dr Isaacs was a member of the NICE 2018 dementia guideline committee and is chairing the NICE self-harm guideline committee. At the NHS London Dementia Clinical Network he leads the London memory network, memory service audit and pathway streamlining programme. He is a member of the Association of British Neurologists Cognitive Neurology Advisory Group and served on the Royal College of Psychiatrists Young Onset Dementia Services Working Group.
Dr Isaacs has research interests in functional cognitive disorders and in clinical trials in Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.
- Member: Royal College of Physicians (UK)
- MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship - 2003 -2006
- Member: Association of British Neurologists
- Member: British Neuropsychiatry Association
Peer-Reviewed Publications
J D Isaacs. D D Cunningham and the aetiology of cholera in British India, 1869-1897. Medical History, 1998, 42: 279-305.
J D Isaacs, J Rakshi, R Baker, D J Brooks, A N Warrens. Chorea associated with thyroxine replacement therapy. Movement Disorders, 2005, 20:1656-7.
M Björkqvist, Å Petersén, K Bacos, J Isaacs, et al. Progressive alterations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the R6/2 transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 2006, 15:1713-21.
J D Isaacs, G S Jackson, D Altmann. The role of the cellular prion protein in the immune system. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 2006, 146:1-8.
J D Isaacs, R J Ingram, J Collinge, D M Altmann, G S Jackson. The human prion protein residue 129 polymorphism lies within a cluster of epitopes for T cell recognition. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 2006, 65:1059-68.
J D Isaacs, A F Dean, C E Shaw, A Al-Chalabi, K Mills, P N Leigh. ALS with sensory neuropathy; part of a multi-system disorder? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2007, 78:750-3.
A Dalrymple, E J Wild, R Joubert, K Sathasivam, M Björkqvist, Å Petersén, G S Jackson, J D Isaacs, et al. Proteomic profiling of plasma in Huntington’s disease reveals neuroinflammatory activation and candidate biomarkers. Journal of Proteome Research, 2007, 6:2833-40.
H Runne, A Kuhn, E J Wild, W Pratyaksha, M Kristiansen, J D Isaacs, et al. Analysis of potential transcriptomic biomarkers for Huntington's disease in peripheral blood. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007, 104:14424-9.
J D Isaacs, O A Garden, G Kaur, J Collinge, G S Jackson, D M Altmann. The cellular prion protein is preferentially expressed by CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Immunology, 2008, 125:313-9.
R J Ingram*, J D Isaacs*, G Kaur, D E Lowther, C J Reynolds, R J Boyton, J Collinge, G S Jackson, D M Altmann. A role of cellular prion protein in programming T-cell cytokine responses in disease. FASEB Journal, 2009, 23:1672-84. (* joint first author)
J D Isaacs, M Adams, A J Lees. Noncompressive myelopathy associated with violent axial tics of tourette syndrome. Neurology, 2010, 74:697-8.
C T Coddington, J D Isaacs, A Q Siddiqui, T C Andrews. Bilateral facial nerve palsy associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2010, 81:1155-6.
J D Isaacs, B Bodini, O Ciccarelli, G K Scadding, A J Thompson. Atopic myelitis in a European woman residing in Japan. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2011, 82:1022-4.
L Mantoan Ritter, J D Isaacs, M McEntagart, J P O'Dwyer. Clinical Reasoning: Rapidly progressive quadriparesis in a forgetful patient. Neurology, 2013, 81:e154-8.
A H Hainsworth, S M Allan, J Boltze, C Cunningham, C Farris, E Head, M Ihara, J D Isaacs, et al. Translational models for vascular cognitive impairment: a review including larger species. BMC Med, 2017, 15:16. doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0793-9.
E Caruana-Galizia, J D Isaacs, H R Cock. Non-hyperammonaemic valproate encephalopathy after 20 years of treatment. Epilepsy Behav Case Rep, 2017, 8:9-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ebcr.2017.04.002.
M M H Pauls, N Clarke, S Trippier, S Betteridge, F A Howe, U Khan, C Kruuse, J B Madigan, B Moynihan, A C Pereira, D Rolfe, E Rostrup, C E Haig, T R Barrick, J D Isaacs, A H Hainsworth. Perfusion by Arterial Spin Labelling following Single Dose Tadalafil in Small Vessel Disease (PASTIS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2017, 18:229. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-1973-9.
C W Ritchie, T C Russ, S Banerjee, B Barber, A Boaden, N C Fox, C Holmes, J D Isaacs, et al. The Edinburgh Consensus: Preparing for the advent of disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Res Ther, 2017, 9:85. DOI 10.1186/s13195-017-0312-4.
M M H Pauls, B Moynihan, T R Barrick, C Kruuse, J B Madigan, A H Hainsworth, J D Isaacs. The effect of Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors on cerebral blood flow in humans. A systematic review. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab, 2017. doi: 10.1177/0271678X17747177.
T Teodoro, M J Edwards, J D Isaacs. A unifying theory for cognitive abnormalities in functional neurological disorders, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: systematic review. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2018. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2017317823
L D Cook, K E Nichol, J D Isaacs. The London memory service audit and quality improvement programme.
BJPsych Bull, 2019, 22:215-220. doi: 10.1192/bjb.2019.18.