Waiting for your appointment or procedure

St George’s and Epson St Helier Hospital Group is here for you and we are doing our best to get you the care you need as soon as possible. While you are waiting for a hospital appointment, we wanted to let you know that there is more support available to you.

Anyone waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, can now access the NHS My Planned Care Patient Digital Platform which provides direct access to the latest average appointment wait time information for their hospital, as well as helpful advice and support whilst you wait.

We encourage you to look at this site where you may find the information you need before contacting your GP or hospital for an update about any elective procedures you are waiting for.

If your health gets worse

If your symptoms change or become worse, it’s important to let us know.

Contact a GP if:

  • you have not had your first appointment with the department at the hospital
  • your GP has referred you for a diagnostic test, such as a scan or X-ray

Contact the hospital team caring for you if:

  • you’re waiting for a follow-up appointment, after being seen by someone at our hospitals
  • someone at our hospitals has referred you for a diagnostic test, such as a scan or X-ray
  • you’re waiting for surgery or an outpatient procedure
  • you no longer need or want to have treatment

Out of hours

If you have an urgent medical problem, contact NHS 111. Call 111 or go to 111.nhs.uk

In an emergency

Call 999 or go to your nearest emergency department.

Keeping well while you wait

In the time before your treatment, you can take simple steps to improve your physical and mental health. This will reduce your risk of complications and improve your wellbeing now and during your recovery.

It’s important to:

  • follow any specific advice you’ve received about how to prepare for your procedure or operation
  • stop smoking. Our stop smoking service can support you with this
  • keep taking your prescribed medicines, unless you’ve been told not to by your GP or hospital clinician
  • eat well, and get to or keep a healthy weight
  • exercise and keep active, unless you have been told not to
  • control your blood pressure
  • control your blood sugar levels, especially if you have or are at risk of diabetes
  • avoid drinking more than the recommended 14 units of alcohol per week
  • get support for your mental health if you need it

We have more information about keeping well before your surgery.

Support and advice

The NHS has information about exercise, healthy weight, sleep, eating well, alcohol, sexual health and mental health in the NHS Live Well advice.

You can also get advice and support from a GP, or the hospital team caring for you.